I'd really like to get an iMac, but I don't wanna buy one until it's quad-core. Do you think the next revision will be, and if not, when?
They will use the core i5 together with a redesign.
Late 2010 or early 2011 depending on Intel. Seriously, there are dozens of threads about this...
What do you do on your computer? I really doubt most people need quad core power. In fact, I have a feeling most don't even use dual core processors
They'll be quad core before years' end. People saying 2011 are delusional, apple cannot afford to wait that long to make the switch to quad core. There are now sub $800-$1000 core i7/i5 machines available that absolutely destroy the imac. Apple cannot stand by idly any more. Mobile cpu's are not advancing fast enough to keep up with desktop cpu's. The imac is a desktop computer.
They will use the core i5 together with a redesign.
So you're guessing Sandy Bridge?
Why do you believe that there is little to no chance that Apple will redesign the iMac so as to allow for desktop CPUs?
Why do you believe that there is little to no chance that Apple will redesign the iMac so as to allow for desktop CPUs?
It'd be feasible by the end of the year or early 2010, but it would be made a lot easier if apple let the iMac put a little weight on to help with cooling, even the current chassis has had a few issues with inadequate cooling.
Some high end gaming notebooks have managed to make use of the i7, which is particularly insane but goes to show that cooling a CPU like that in a imac like chassis isn't absolutely impossible.
A little bit of "apple can't do any wrong, YOUR the ones that have the wrong ideas" perhaps?