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macrumors member
Original poster
May 21, 2010
The safari browser included is still considered to be a mobile browser by many sites and so has lot of rendering issues.
No downloads or uploads possible.
I won't mention flash, as it's lack is regrettably universally accepted.

Hope an optimized version of opera comes out.
Or maybe firefox or chrome.
Downloads or uploads won't happen for quite some time I'd imagine. Maybe in 2/3 OS updates.
yeah i hope something happens i still have to sway to my MBP, im not agreeing to what they said at the moment "the best web surfing experience"
yeah i hope something happens i still have to sway to my MBP, im not agreeing to what they said at the moment "the best web surfing experience"

Web surfing does not necessarily have to include the ability to download and store content. You are incorrectly comparing to different things and then drawing the wrong conclusion. Apple said you can surf the web which you can, and to date there is not a better mobile browser. Opera is not much better and uses proxy tricks to appear to be faster and more robust. Flash is craptastic and I applaud Apple for excluding it. Adobe had 4 years to produce a mobile version of Flash. Where is it? Case closed.
Web surfing does not necessarily have to include the ability to download and store content. You are incorrectly comparing to different things and then drawing the wrong conclusion. Apple said you can surf the web which you can, and to date there is not a better mobile browser. Opera is not much better and uses proxy tricks to appear to be faster and more robust. Flash is craptastic and I applaud Apple for excluding it. Adobe had 4 years to produce a mobile version of Flash. Where is it? Case closed.

Maybe ok with iPhones 3.5 inch screen
But not at all ok with the iPad tablet.
Web surfing does not necessarily have to include the ability to download and store content.

Doesn't necessarily have to ignore the ability, ether.

You are incorrectly comparing to different things and then drawing the wrong conclusion. Apple said you can surf the web which you can, and to date there is not a better mobile browser.

Android's browser is just as nice.

Opera is not much better and uses proxy tricks to appear to be faster and more robust.

And there's nothing wrong with that, if you use it as intended.

Flash is craptastic and I applaud Apple for excluding it. Adobe had 4 years to produce a mobile version of Flash. Where is it? Case closed.

Clue: it can take years to produce a mobile version of something.

Heck, it took four years since iPhone development began, for Apple to implement just a folder UI.
When will people accept that fact that on the iOS software we will never get Flash or Java support?
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