I have been looking for the Ipad for few months now, still a clg student and apple doesn't give any students offer here in India.
On a tight budget.
the import tarrifs suck here, the 329$ ipad sells for 399$ here..
I want an Ipad with a more advanced processor say A12 or A13 and obviously not A10..
I can stretch my budget for Air 3 but thats pretty much it, I wont be able to get the logitech keyboard and apple pencil there on,
At the same time I love how nicely pro devices are build up, pro devices are way way out of my budget, there is no market for refurbished ipads in India, you either buy a new one the used 1-2 yrs old ipads,
I dont personally like buying used devices so i ll go with the new one
anyway I would like 8th gen Ipad to have atleast A12 processor and price wont matter then..
yeah if by any chance they keep Air's price same as well and give it pro motion with current A12 processor, I will surely spend extra money for pro motion, although I have never personally used 120hz dispay but the feedback and user experience people have with that screen makes me get it even more..
I hope they launch it asap, I dont care when it starts shipping I have no urgent work with it, I am more interested in knowing what all upgrades apple is planning to pack Ipad 8th/ Air 4 with