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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Jan 23, 2006
After many weeks of looking at cameras and playing with them in the store, I have decided to buy a D60 as my first DSLR, but I have a couple questions before I buy. How recently was the d60 released? Is it due for an update in the near future? I'm not in any real hurry, and I would hate to get one and then see it updated a week later. Also, are there any sites similar to macrumors for nikon?


macrumors 601
Oct 5, 2006
Northern/Central VA
After many weeks of looking at cameras and playing with them in the store, I have decided to buy a D60 as my first DSLR, but I have a couple questions before I buy. How recently was the d60 released? Is it due for an update in the near future? I'm not in any real hurry, and I would hate to get one and then see it updated a week later. Also, are there any sites similar to macrumors for nikon?

If Nikon releases a new low-end camera, the current one won't suddenly stop working and you'll miss all the holiday pictures you could be taking.

It's not clear if Nikon will replace the D60, as they indicate their latest strategy is to hit the higher end of the market- but that was before everyone's economy tanked. There's a chance they may want to take video down a level- but I wouldn't bet on it. If I were product manager, I'd probably schedule a slight update to the current body (D60s) for '09 rather than a whole new camera. Typically for Nikon that coincides with a firmware release for the current body that gives all the non-hardware features to current owners.

Nikonians and Nikon Cafe are both good sites.

A Google for "D60 released" would have gotten you the answer (Jan 29, 2008.)


macrumors member
Oct 10, 2006
Even if Nikon were to announce a new D60 replacement right now, it would take a good 3 to 6 months to see the cameras at store level. Look at all the past announcements and the dates they start hitting the stores.


macrumors 65816
Oct 19, 2003
It wouldn't surprise me to see a D60x mid-year that would be a D60 with live view and a bump to 12 megapixels (basically unify the with the D90 sensor, like the D40x did with the D80).

I would also recommend DPReview and Thom Hogan's Nikon site ( for information.


macrumors G5
Jan 5, 2006
Redondo Beach, California
After many weeks of looking at cameras and playing with them in the store, I have decided to buy a D60 as my first DSLR, but I have a couple questions before I buy. How recently was the d60 released? Is it due for an update in the near future? I'm not in any real hurry, and I would hate to get one and then see it updated a week later. Also, are there any sites similar to macrumors for nikon?

Nikon's low end SLR bodies are on an approx. 18 month product cycle. The D60 is about a year old. So 8 to 9 months until some new low-end camera but we don't know if it will come in below the d40 or above the D60 or if it will replace one of those. But Nikon did say some time ago that their enginerring group targets ne new design every 18 months.

Of course non of us know much more then you do. We are all guessing.
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