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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jun 28, 2010
Wondering on when the Ipad will have a 2.0 version. :confused:

I love the first/current model that I've tried a few different times, but I shy away from early adoption purchases with my limited funds.

Anyone have an educated guess on how long I have to wait? If it's gonna be more than another year, I might just breakdown and get 1.0 despite it's flaws.
Wondering on when the Ipad will have a 2.0 version. :confused:

I love the first/current model that I've tried a few different times, but I shy away from early adoption purchases with my limited funds.

Anyone have an educated guess on how long I have to wait? If it's gonna be more than another year, I might just breakdown and get 1.0 despite it's flaws.

This has been covered ad nauseum on another thread(s). Most likely it will be next April if Apple continues the trend. Ask yourself this, if Apple cannot keep up with demand, why would they upgrade it? It's still a 7 to 10 day shipping time (online store) and unless you carry a horse shoe in your pocket it's a 1 to 2 week wait for an in store reservation. I reserved mine 11 days ago and still waiting. Flaws? The flaws are few, unless you believe everything you read on these forums or because it doesn't have everything someone wants or it doesn't have something it was not not intended to have. I can understand waiting to see what the next generation has but in the end it's up to you. I decided not to wait.
The people who think we're seeing a new iPad this year are in fantasy land. There's still people who expect new iPhones in December lol!

What's more annoying are the people (not so much forum/avid net users) who, around the next launch, will say to me " I TOLD you they'd release a better one!". Well DUH!
I understand your fears and concerns of such a huge commitment op. My question to you is why get ipad2? Three will just be talked about less an a month after 2 comes out and would be speculated for release before the end of 2's calendar year. IMO just wait for 7 or possibly even ipad15. I, myself, am waiting for the official announcement of iPad over 9000.:rolleyes:
It blows my mind that this question gets asked on a daily basis!! :eek:

I've had my iPad almost since launch and NOT ONCE have I thought about the next version.
People who are putting off buying in hopes of a revised ipad, Keep wishing! Apple can not even meet current demands. Do you think they are just gonna start making a new product!? Wont happen.

Buy iPad, Enjoy, Stop worrying about the future.. Technology moves too fast to try and future proof yourself.
I understand your fears and concerns of such a huge commitment op. My question to you is why get ipad2? Three will just be talked about less an a month after 2 comes out and would be speculated for release before the end of 2's calendar year. IMO just wait for 7 or possibly even ipad15. I, myself, am waiting for the official announcement of iPad over 9000.:rolleyes:

This. Every launch the clock starts ticking to the next upgrade. You will get the most life out of your product if you buy on launch day. In 12 months, your hardware will be second best.

Some people think early adopters are crazy. One of my friends thought like this. She has a brand new 3GS, tied into a 24 month contract. I tried to avoid mentioning my iPhone 4 but she did get to see it and now her brand new iPhone seems less attractive to her.
Do people think that a thread about this (and there are lots of candidates!) should get stickied? That way just maybe people would see that this question has been asked before and we wouldn't get a brand new thread started every other bl**dy day on this topic.

- Julian
December 20, 2012................
Obviously the current iPad is severely lacking and no one is buying it... I suspect that the 7-10 day shipping delay is because they are slip-streaming new iPads into the supply chain. The packaging and the iPad itself will appear to be identical to current shipping iPads, but that won't change the fact that your new iPad will be even more magical and amazing that any previous iPad :D
^ Too bloody lazy to search.

Seriously these threads are the equivalent of Satan's afterbirth.

We need instaban for people posting these going forward.
Thank you to some, "bite me" to others

For those that took the time to reply with thought, thank you! As mentioned before, my funds are limited so I have to really plan my tech purchases carefully. I'm new to this forum, so I really appreciate MOST of the feedback. :)

Kutsushita - I did this same with skipping iphone1 and waited until iphone2. Was glad I did. Just now updated to iphone4...and it already has tools that are better than the iPad...though you have a good point.:cool:

I don't need the latest/greatest...but then I hate buying something that has OBVIOUS limitations which will be upgraded someday soon. Consensus seems to be that it will be late winter or early spring of 2011. Ugh. :( But I think I can wait and buy iPad2...and then not worry about upgrading it for a couple years until iPad4/5 comes around.

For those that took time to whine/complain and either said I didn't search other threads first and/or am lazy::eek:
Yes I did a limited search. I'm new to the forum, so maybe I lack your geek hounding skills. But a thread last updated in early April...when it's almost July...can probably warrant a new thread.
If you are such pros at knowing about all the different threads that exist on this topic, why didn't a newbie like me easily find a relevant one that has been updated in 3 months? Particularly as iphone 4 has just dropped? And particuarly as a page like this lacks any iPad reference:
Moral of the story: Don't be a geek snob. Fix a problem, don't complain about people like me that have honest questions.:p
Wondering on when the Ipad will have a 2.0 version. :confused:

I love the first/current model that I've tried a few different times, but I shy away from early adoption purchases with my limited funds.

Anyone have an educated guess on how long I have to wait? If it's gonna be more than another year, I might just breakdown and get 1.0 despite it's flaws.
September 1st reportedly
September 1st reportedly

Reported by who (what idiot)? Apple is stedfast in maintaining once a year major updates and that's not about to change on a product that they still can't make enough of to satisfy demand 3 months after launch. As is the iPad will likely sell out again during x-mass so a redesign this soon would only hurt Apple's sales by stopping production.
Reported by who (what idiot)? Apple is stedfast in maintaining once a year major updates and that's not about to change on a product that they still can't make enough of to satisfy demand 3 months after launch. As is the iPad will likely sell out again during x-mass so a redesign this soon would only hurt Apple's sales by stopping production.
Sarcasm sir
It just came out. You didn't hear? The one selling now is version 2. So go ahead and buy it.
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