In my opinion Apple will introduce new iPod Nanos at Macworld Paris, the fact that Steve isnt giving a keynote leads me to believe that we defiantly wont see anything major, such as an iPhone or new video iPod. If an iPhone really is on the way, and Apple isnt introducing it in Paris, this leads me to believe its either not a world phone, or Apple really is creating a virtual network. As far as notebooks are concerned, I strongly doubt they will be released in Paris. Id say probably September 5 or some other Tuesday in September. Apple hates releasing upgrades at major events, because that:
A) Takes most of the surprise out of it, and B) Most people stop buying notebooks about a month before the event. Im not super sure apple will be putting Core 2 Duo in its Macbooks this soon. Especially with the ppw problems theyre having. However, as far as the Macbook Pro lineup is concerned, apple needs to get Core 2 Duo in the ASAP, if they want to continue to remain super competitive, and continue to gain market share. Theres a reason Dells sales are down almost 50% and Apples market share (notebooks anyway) have doubled. Hear that Michael! Maybe its you that should give up trying to make a successful company.