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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Jan 3, 2006
the states for now
I have an Infinity sub very close in color to a powerbook/macbook pro and remember seeing some posters mentioning an aluminum or silver colored paint you could use to touch up scratches. Anyone know what paint i can use?
d wade said:
bring it to home depot, they should be able to match any color

HD only custom mixes colors for house paints........

go to an auto body repair shop.....they can mix practically any color, in a paint that will chemically bond itself to the surface to which it is applied, something house paint does not and CANNOT do......
my brother paints cars for a living so ill ask him. and then i work at home depot and didnt think they sold a paint i could use.
What is the sub made out of? You don't need car paint for a wooden sub and in fact you might not be pleased with the results. Home Depot would work well--but if you want a metallic finish you might be out of luck--though a spray enamel might do the trick if you can match it.
matticus008 said:
What is the sub made out of? You don't need car paint for a wooden sub and in fact you might not be pleased with the results. Home Depot would work well--but if you want a metallic finish you might be out of luck--though a spray enamel might do the trick if you can match it.

ok, go to HD or use a spray can if ya wanna...

you WILL be sorry.......:rolleyes:
SmurfBoxMasta said:
ok, go to HD or use a spray can if ya wanna...

you WILL be sorry.......:rolleyes:
Not if you know what you're doing. Using auto paint can be just as disastrous (and certainly more expensive).

If you have a wooden enclosure, you don't want automotive paint. If you have a soft plastic enclosure, again, you may not like the results of automotive paint. It's all about finding the proper paint for the proper application. You may find that a hobby or modeling shop has the best materials for the job at a much more competitive price than a car paint shop, many of which do not really enjoy mixing comparatively small batches and/or do not sell small cans of the paint.
You might be looking for this, Al touch up paint.. In reality, going to any art well stocked art or model store should stock paint that is close. Choose and enamel (finest pigment grade) and you will need a "matting" agent to keep it from looking glossy.

The link provided is to We Love Macs, they have a lot of neat things.

Preperation of the surface is everything. If it were me, I'd live with the damage.
Nothing works. I'm serious. I have tried everything. I have fixed dings, bends, and all kinds of things on Aluminum PowerBooks, and I will tell you from severe experience, you cannot fix the scratches with paint, it does not work.
The coating on the PowerBooks is not an actual quoting, its the texture of the metal, therefore a scratch is taking the texture off. You can't retexturize it, therefore you can't fix the scratches. You want there to be no more scratches, you have to replace the case parts that are scratched.
Don't worry about painting it. It's a subwoofer, you won't see it most of the time, and usually paint jobs for scratches end up even worse than before you painted it.
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