I was wondering if anyone could shed some light on this issue?
This page: -
Is a sea of programmer orientated blather with no links of any use anywhere.
I tried Patched Sur, which worked fine on my 2012 Mac Mini, but it recommended this apparent vapourware at the final stage when I tried it on my Mac Pro.
Please don't direct me to some long thread with even more blather and no download link I've read all the OpenCore pages thoroughly before posting this.
Patched Sur works flawlessly on my Mac Mini. I run Pro Tools and loads of audio plug-ins under Catalina on my Mac Pro.
The problem is, I sometimes use iMovie and without realising it, once I open a shared iMovie Library made in the last version for Catalina in the current version for Big Sur, it renders the entire iMovie Library unreadable under Catalina because it claims it was created in a newer version and can't be opened now.
This, and the fact Big Sur is much smoother OS than Catalina is why I'm keen to try and get the latest release of Big Sur working on the Mac Pro because it has way more power for editing and encoding than the Mac Mini.
I even tried ditching iMovie and using Resolve but it has permanent issues keeping folders of video files linked between opening so I can't have a nice portable library like I can with iMovie. I literally have to relink every video file manually every time it opens and that's in the very latest update to 18 and specific mention this exact issue has been fixed in the notes on the App Store. It clearly isn't.
This page: -
GitHub - SuperBox64/bigmac: Big Mac, macOS 11 Big Sur and macOS Monterey disk installer and back up tool for Intel based Macs
Big Mac, macOS 11 Big Sur and macOS Monterey disk installer and back up tool for Intel based Macs - SuperBox64/bigmac
Is a sea of programmer orientated blather with no links of any use anywhere.
I tried Patched Sur, which worked fine on my 2012 Mac Mini, but it recommended this apparent vapourware at the final stage when I tried it on my Mac Pro.
Please don't direct me to some long thread with even more blather and no download link I've read all the OpenCore pages thoroughly before posting this.
Patched Sur works flawlessly on my Mac Mini. I run Pro Tools and loads of audio plug-ins under Catalina on my Mac Pro.
The problem is, I sometimes use iMovie and without realising it, once I open a shared iMovie Library made in the last version for Catalina in the current version for Big Sur, it renders the entire iMovie Library unreadable under Catalina because it claims it was created in a newer version and can't be opened now.
This, and the fact Big Sur is much smoother OS than Catalina is why I'm keen to try and get the latest release of Big Sur working on the Mac Pro because it has way more power for editing and encoding than the Mac Mini.
I even tried ditching iMovie and using Resolve but it has permanent issues keeping folders of video files linked between opening so I can't have a nice portable library like I can with iMovie. I literally have to relink every video file manually every time it opens and that's in the very latest update to 18 and specific mention this exact issue has been fixed in the notes on the App Store. It clearly isn't.