I've searched the Web but I haven't seen anything helpful and my system is superultra slow....so if anyone knows where can I find a guide or instruction I would appreciate the help
These articles will probably help...it's really quite easy. Just be sure you back up your data first. And while a system reinstall may help, have you checked to see what else might be slowing your computer down? Do you have enough RAM? Enough free hard drive space?
These articles will probably help...it's really quite easy. Just be sure you back up your data first. And while a system reinstall may help, have you checked to see what else might be slowing your computer down? Do you have enough RAM? Enough free hard drive space?
I have 1.25Gb of RAM (more than what I need really, I think), 38Gb of free space, I have repaired permissions, obviously make a system restart and emptied the trash, downloaded Onyx to make that weekly maintenance thing, called AppleCare (which wasn't a very pleasant experience), and finally I gave up and decided to make a fresh install.
The good part is that I am going to be able to erase anything I don't need and that takes a lot of space.
Sounds like you've done all the right things! Good luck with the reinstall...I definitely found that it helped my old 500 MHz iBook when I did that and stripped the OS down a bit more than I had before.