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macrumors 68040
Original poster
Jul 13, 2008
Los Angeles, Ca

My daughters birthday is coming and she is turning 4. I want to write a 100 page book for her and have it professionally printed and bonded, preferably with a nice book cover. Hard or soft cover, doesn’t matter. Many of the websites about googling this only show for mass printing of a minimum of 75 book copies. Ideally I only need one book, maybe 2 or 3 to save in the attic for storage.

Can anyone recommend somewhere truthworthy and worthwhile?


macrumors 68040
Original poster
Jul 13, 2008
Los Angeles, Ca
Look for thesis printing services.

Tell us about the book. What will you write for your daughter?
I want to get her into reading at a young age so I was thinking about a 10 chapter book at ten pages each chapter. I would call it something along the lines of The Adventures of Angie and make it a 3 book series, one book each birthday from ages 4, 5 and 6.

She would obviously be the protagonist and I would include her mom and I in the story and also her grandparents would make an appearance somewhere in chapter 5 throughout her quest. She’s into dinosaurs at the moment so I was thinking about including time travel in there at one point, but I don’t want to make it too complicated, mainly just want her to get excited when it comes to reading.


macrumors 68040
Original poster
Jul 13, 2008
Los Angeles, Ca
Sounds fun. Look into a thesis printing service. You may not get for form factor you want, but you should easily be able to print just one at a time.
Thank you I’m googling the thesis printing options now. I see I may not get a full blown color cover but that may be okay. I’m researching pricing as we speak. If the price is right then I’ll go with thesis printing instead of the more expensive Amazon style mass book printing options I see online.
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