I have a Mac Pro 2.66 GHz with 4 GB RAM. After leaving my computer on for a while, putting it to sleep and waking it up, opening and closing applications, my free RAM slowly has dwindled down. Curently my free RAM is 680 MB and the inactive RAM is 2.28 GB. Is there any way to "release" the inactive RAM?
This has been explained on MacRumors a few times: "Free" RAM is RAM that the Mac has never found any use for. If you have 680 MB of free RAM, you might as well have bought less memory. That RAM was just stuck in your machine and did nothing.
"Inactive" RAM contains data that can be thrown away at any time. For example, it could contain cached data from your harddisk. If an application reads a file from the harddisk, that file will be cached in "Inactive" RAM in case you read it again later. Or if you quit an application, the memory that held the code will be "Inactive". If you start the same application again, it need not be read from the harddisk, the OS just turns the Inactive memory into active memory.
So your 2.28GB of "Inactive" RAM contain data that isn't of any use right now but was kept there because it might be useful in the future; if anything _needs_ RAM then that memory can be made available immediatly.