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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Jun 18, 2006
Hello people, i have a 60gb hd macbook, and it says i have only 38-39GB free.. when i havent even installed any aps yet.

where's all the space gone?

i heard mac os x takes up a lot of room for languages... is it true? i dont even use those other european or asian languages how do i delete them?

my girlfriends asian so she'd like to use it to view her asian websites
but if i delete them will they affect how the web pages are being viewed?? ie will she still be able to see those characters>:confused:


EDIT: ah, one more thing, i am moving out of my parents house, is there something like a TV tuner card i can buy to watch TV? coz i am reluctant to bring the stupid bulky 14inch tv that i have..

and... how can i custmise my folders in Front row? is there a way to let front row download the smaller size HD trailers? coz my internet connection is not very fast...abt 1mbps
A lot of space is used by iLife (mostly Garageband with all the loops and iDVD). You can delete that stuff or re-install OS X. You can re-install OS X with only the apps you want and you'll free up a lot of space :)
google "delocalizer" and use that to get rid of languages... and delete any apps you dont want. the app "app zapper" will get rid of many applications fully for you. :)
farqueue said:
Hello people, i have a 60gb hd macbook, and it says i have only 38-39GB free.. when i havent even installed any aps yet.

where's all the space gone?

i heard mac os x takes up a lot of room for languages... is it true? i dont even use those other european or asian languages how do i delete them?

my girlfriends asian so she'd like to use it to view her asian websites
but if i delete them will they affect how the web pages are being viewed?? ie will she still be able to see those characters>:confused:


EDIT: ah, one more thing, i am moving out of my parents house, is there something like a TV tuner card i can buy to watch TV? coz i am reluctant to bring the stupid bulky 14inch tv that i have..

and... how can i custmise my folders in Front row? is there a way to let front row download the smaller size HD trailers? coz my internet connection is not very fast...abt 1mbps
The extra languages do take up some space. Monolingual is a program you can use to uninstall unnecessary languages. If you want to view asian websites (Chinese, Japanese, etc.) you need to keep those languages install to view them properly.

Some other apps that you may want to remove?
Microsoft office Test Drive
iWork Trial
Comiclife (if you are not going to use it)

Also remember 60GB probably equals 57GB or so in OSX.
ok thanks a lot ppl, what abt my other questions :p

is there a way to organise my front row folders? where can i find them?

farqueue said:
Hello people, i have a 60gb hd macbook, and it says i have only 38-39GB free.. when i havent even installed any aps yet.

where's all the space gone?

Also be aware that 60GB is the hard drive manufacturer's measurement of the space using SI prefix. The size that your MacBook sees uses binary prefix. See this Wikipedia article for more details. Basically, the hard drive is marketed as 60GB to sound bigger and a nice round number, whereas the OS considers it to be about 56GB.
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