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macrumors regular
Original poster
Aug 29, 2005
everytime i drag and drop an icon from the applications to the dock it goes away after i restart/shutdown my imac? anyone knows how can they stay on the dock?


The icons that I have in my Dock appeared there with the installation of the software. Some of them ask me if I wanted them in the Dock during installation. You could try running repair permission. (Applications > Utilities > Disk Utilities)
Kalinatek said:
everytime i drag and drop an icon from the applications to the dock it goes away after i restart/shutdown my imac? anyone knows how can they stay on the dock?



have u tried right clicking on it in the dock and select 'keep in dock'? See if that works.
whiteangel said:
have u tried right clicking on it in the dock and select 'keep in dock'? See if that works.

the only thing that it says when i right click an icon thats on the dock is remove from dock...

Bare with me: Are these applications you're running from disk images (i.e. does small white hard disk like icons appear on the desktop whenever you start one of these applications)?
Mitthrawnuruodo said:
Bare with me: Are these applications you're running from disk images (i.e. does small white hard disk like icons appear on the desktop whenever you start one of these applications)?

yeah msn messenger is the only software that does that , is there a way i can remove the white disk icon on my desktop everytime i start msn?

thanks :eek:
This means you're running the application from the disk image. Not the best way to do it. Here's what you must do whenever you download an application that comes in the form of a disk image (.dmg file):

* Open the disk image. A white hard disk like icon will appear on your Desktop, and (often) a Finder window will open.

* If there's an installer inside, run it, if there's "just" an application (an .app file), and this will be the case most of the time, do not run it or drag it from there to your Dock, but drag that file to the /Applications folder (or wherever you want it), it will then copy itself from the disk image onto your hard disk.

* Eject the disk image (i.e. the white "HD" on your Desktop), throw the disk image file (.dmg file) and Empty Trash.

* Then you can run the application (double-click the applications icon (.app) in the /Applications folder, then right/ctrl-click the Dock icon and choose "Keep in Dock", or simply drag it to the dock and start it from there, then it will stay.)
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