I'm starting to lose track of where all my stuff is. Pages keeps docs in one location, iFiles keeps them in another and GoodReader in another. WTH!
Where do you keep all your stuff?
lol. The main reason I dread syncing my iPad. Files in every app. We need a File system BAD.
Earlier this week I spent a few hours syncing almost everyone from my MacBook to the iPad, documents included.
Personally I didn't want to feel disabled taking the ipad out the door with me rather than my MacBook pro, which of course houses everything of importance.
All my photos are synced up, movies (for the most part) and music. As for documents, I scanned my documents folder on my Mac and noted the important folders; of which I then synced up all with GoodReader. In GoodReader I put everything in appropriate folders and that's it.
I'm set. Goodreader has everything I may need and love it.
Edit: btw, I did the same thing with my iPod touch just in case. You never know.
Thanks for the suggestion. I haven't really looked into all the features of GR yet so I'll check it out. I guess if I need to edit/create a doc in Pages I'll have to email it to myself and then import it into GR. What a pain.....
I'm hoping this is where MobileMe will find an important niche--Cloud home for documents.
The only problem I have with drop box is that you have to keep everything in one folder. With sugarsync it syncs any folder I want.