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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jun 23, 2009
SO i sync my iphone on my pc, and where do the photos backup to? I can't find them on my computer anywhere????????
I have "Sync photos FROM" checked a folder called iPhone Backup (that i created). It does not dump photos in there when i sync.

then the "all photos" button is checked.
Ahh, okay, I think I understand now. This is a misunderstanding about how new photos work on the iPhone (both in Windows and OS X).

iTunes DOES NOT download your camera roll photos automatically when you sync the phone. Instead, when you plug in your phone, you either get a window asking you what you want to do with the plugged in camera (if no default action is specified) or if you specified a default action, the action is taken automatically.

In Windows, the actions are typically to open the camera as a folder, to import them using the scanner & camera wizard, or to import them using soe other piece of software if you have something installed (e.g. Picasa), or to do nothing.

If nothing happens when you plug in the iPhone, and you want something to happen, I think you can reset the default preference by right clicking on the iPhone in My Computer (not in iTunes) or else using the Control Panel item for the scanner/camera wizard.

Otherwise you can just open My Computer and then open the iPhone and drag photos off, or run Picasa or the scanner/cam wizard and use one of those to export the photos.
ahhh.. so itunes does not automatically backup photos. I need to do this manually, not in iTunes. Got it.
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