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macrumors 68030
Original poster
Apr 14, 2006
Clemson, SC
Was taking a peek at upgrading my MB's HD, but I want 120 (160 is a bit too expensive still, and 100 isn't enough of an upgrade to be worth it) - but where have they gone?? Newegg used to have a few and they seem to have gotten rid of them? Anyone know why?

Not a huge deal, as I can wait a few weeks before upgrading and hopefully by then places will have 'em again.. just seems strange.

Oh, and has anyone heard anything else about price drops on the 160? Last I heard they were supposed to drop in price "this fall" but I haven't heard any specifics. Would hate to buy a 120 for $165 and find that the week following the 160 is only 20 bucks more..
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