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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Nov 27, 2008
I just jailbroke my iPhone 3G using QuickPWN and was expecting Cydia to be on my phone when it came on and it's not.

I'm new to this, how do I get Cydia on my phone?

I'm running OS X.
While running quickpwn there's a step where you select what will be installed (Cydia, Installer, Custom Logos, and one other option I don't remember). If it was selected here and still didn't show up I would suggest giving it another shot...
There is no step where I get to choose Cydia.

I get a popup asking if I want to change my boot logo and I either select Yes or No. Then it builds the IPSW and runs.

I'm using QuickPwn 2.2 on OS X
There is no step where I get to choose Cydia.

I get a popup asking if I want to change my boot logo and I either select Yes or No. Then it builds the IPSW and runs.

I'm using QuickPwn 2.2 on OS X

Ah... Can't help ya then. I had to pull out my old windows laptop to JB my phone cuz I couldn't get it to work on my iMac...

If you have access to a windows machine I'd suggest going that route. Much easier...
There is no step where I get to choose Cydia.

I get a popup asking if I want to change my boot logo and I either select Yes or No. Then it builds the IPSW and runs.

I'm using QuickPwn 2.2 on OS X

With Quickpwn on Mac OS X it won't give you an option to install cydia , it should actually be on the springboard after the iphone reboots after jailbreaking.

I would suggest a restore (step by step instructions below)

Then use Quickpwn again, make sure you download apples official 2.2 first before using Quickpwn

After a restore and re-jailbreak you should be fine!

I used this video tutorial on Quickpwn and their files (the IPSW and quickpwn.dmg)

Hope this helps
Maybe something is ****ed with my iPhone or something because I've tried this a thousand times.

I even get the success screen on QuickPwn and nothing is on my phone. It's not even Jailbroken I don't think.
Maybe something is ****ed with my iPhone or something because I've tried this a thousand times.

I even get the success screen on QuickPwn and nothing is on my phone. It's not even Jailbroken I don't think.

Hmm could it be the .dmg and IPSW files you are using?

The ones above I posted work like a dream, sometimes you can come across dogdy jailbreaking files.

Or it could be your not pressing and letting go of the two buttons (ON/OFF Switch & Home button) at the correct intervals, it does happen.

Have you tried the above files? they are on his website and listed in the video text. in fact here you go

If your iphone will still not jailbreak or Cydia doesn't show up, you could have a problem with the phone, you could always restore it back to factory settings in itunes and then send the phone in to Apple or the retailer you bought it from and ask for a replacement. Not sure what excuse you could come up with though :/
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