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macrumors 6502
Original poster
May 31, 2008
I saw the post yesterday somebody mentioned Intelliscreen and then somebody responded with a different app that is like Intelliscreen but I can't find it now.

So, does anybody know what I'm talking about?
As others have said, I think you're thinking of Homescreen 2.0.

AFAIK, the only other that actually displays calendar information is called Remindyou.
So what do I need to do to use Homescreen? It looks really cool, but where do i put it, and what is all of this about disabling the date and stuff?
Some help for a noob

Hi all,

Just jailbroke my iPhone 3g yesterday, and am learning tones of new stuff. I downloaded the Homescreen 2 files, and can put them on my phone, but I have no clue as to where they need to go. Can anybody help me with that?

I'm using Notifier Widget (you need Status Notifier), which is NOT HomeScreen, but it very similar.


What I really like about homescreen (that it doesn't appear Notifier Widget does) is the calendar and weather in addition to notifications.

Any other widgets that does all of them?


What I really like about homescreen (that it doesn't appear Notifier Widget does) is the calendar and weather in addition to notifications.

Any other widgets that does all of them?


I'm not sure of any others, but I use Notifier Widget because it doesn't have that awful 'Tap to Unlock'

I found the answer on how to install:

1. Jailbreak iPhone
2. Modify the configureMe.js file in this download with your location and other info (Celsius or Fahrenheit, etc...)
3. Install OpenSSH, Winterboard and Status Notifier (NOT Notifier) From Cydia
4. Using an FTP program (like Cyberduck or Transmit) SSH into your phone (there are walkthroughs for this all over the place)
5. Navigate to \Library\Themes
6. Drop the "Homescreen 2.0" folder you have downloaded into the Themes folder
7. Open Winterboard and enable" Homescreen 2.0"

After completing the above steps follow these directions by aldwin for hiding the standard lockscreen date.

aldwin wrote:


NOTE: To make this work, you need to hide the lockscreen date*
*does not apply on weather/notifier version.

for english language:
download this
And place it into System/Library/Frameworks/UIKit.framework/DateFormats

for other langugaes:
refer to this thread … d=16790088


I found that (and a lot more) on page 41 of this thread:

bump. :/

OK, I have it in the phone, I have status notifier done, I have it turned on using winterboard, but it's not working? I basically have an unlock button now and no date, but nothing else?

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