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macrumors 68000
Original poster
May 9, 2009
There are no keyboard colors out yet in Cydia for 3.0, but I should be able to change it myself, right, by downloading one from 2.2.1 and ssh'ing into the correct folder myself? But I can't figure out where the keyboard is in 3.0 :eek:
Oh I see. I was thinking I could just move them into the correct file and move it to 3.0 myself :p Oh well, thanks anyway! :)

Weatherboard needs to be updated for keyboard themes to work.

And just dropping replacement files & .pngs isn't gonna work either I don't think.

As stated, when someone figures this out, it will circulate pretty quickly.
just guessing

allot of stuff is on stand by for 3.1 I would expect to see some stuff once 3.1 is out and jailbroken! enough things are expected in 3.1 that Cydia Dev are gonna wanna wait! but 3.1 is really that for off!
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