I’ve seen that. Hardly anyone cares about desktop.
I’m talking Apple Music iOS!
It’s also not accurate. It seems like it only displays history for radio songs played through Apple Music on iTunes only, if that. Not other iOS devices. I don’t see anything from my iPhone and Apple TV usage.
Let’s face it, Apple Music is terrible. While I grimace at all the Apple bashing in general and legitimate criticism being misapplied on things that outside market forces are driving, the real problems are still not getting necessary attention. Apple Music in particular. Between AI issues and to a lesser extent core feature sets like history, smart playlists (in iOS, not via iTunes) the app is just a music delivery tool only. Not a smart music assistant. And don’t get me started on why my dislikes keep showing up daily, in volume, in my For You selections. Sometimes 50% of more are disliked but they keep showing up!!
And then there is the camera software but that is off topic...