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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Sep 13, 2008
So I jailbroke my 3g, and I want to unlock it. But where do I put the
In Cydia go to Manage--> Sources --> edit( top right corner) --> add (top left corner) --> type in the repo url( and press add source. It will verify it which will take a minute or 2. Then press "done" and press on the repo that you added. This will show you all the apps that are from that repo. The only one that should be there will be ultrasn0w. Install it and you re done =)
OK so I got my phone all jailbroken and unlocked via the instructions here. So how can I verify that it is unlocked before I sell it?
OH so there is no where to tell on the phone? I looked in the settings usage screen and it still says AT&T for the carrier. Is that because it still has the AT&T sim installed?

Borrow someone Tmobile simcard for a minute and stick it in.
Well the only problem is I don't know anybody who is on TMobile to test this out so I guess I will just have to take a chance and sell it and hope it works for the buyer.
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