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Artful Dodger

macrumors 68020
Original poster
Hi, I'm looking to buy a .mac account as it's really over due for me. Now I've read on MR that some have bought this from other places such as eBay, Amazon and whatnot but has anyone bought it from a place every year that they would recomend? I know some places just sell the key codes so that cuts down on cost so please let me know where some of you have had "good luck" with your purchase of a .mac account.
If you become a dot mac affiliate, you get $15 back for every year subscription you sell. Don't think there are any rules about buying from yourself there.
I got mine right here on MR for like $65 or something like that. I find $100 to be a bit much. Maybe not so much now that I just put ilife 06 on my computer and I plan on using their server space for things that would otherwise suck my bandwidth.
Anyway, here or Amazon. I'm not entirely sure about ebay, but then again I never tried.
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