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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Sep 26, 2014
I was anticipating a price reduction on the unlocked iPhone 12 Pro Max at following the iPhone 13 announcement but now the only option on the Apple site for any Pro series is the iPhone 13. Does Apple usually offer the previous model iPhone Pro at a discount or do I have to go to a reseller for the iPhone 12 Pro? I was particularly interesting in the getting the iPhone 12 Pro Max unlocked at a couple hundred dollars less than the 13 Pro Max. I would send you my link to my listing on there but I don't think that's allowed. you can get unlocked devices there if you want new then best buy? or any carrier?
The last few years, the "old" pro models got discontinued at apl the day the new phones were revealed.
I was anticipating a price reduction on the unlocked iPhone 12 Pro Max at following the iPhone 13 announcement but now the only option on the Apple site for any Pro series is the iPhone 13. Does Apple usually offer the previous model iPhone Pro at a discount or do I have to go to a reseller for the iPhone 12 Pro? I was particularly interesting in the getting the iPhone 12 Pro Max unlocked at a couple hundred dollars less than the 13 Pro Max.

Sometimes, Apple Store may actually carry whatever is in stock. So they may have the 12 Pro Max in the shelf and they certainly can sell it at a discount. You may want to check the apple store near you. I know this because I asked Apple Store staff members and they said they do have in stock. Just dont’ know when Apple may request them to send it back.

They may only knock down $100 bucks, knowing apple. If you were looking for something more cheaper, then as above said, Swappa would be a place for that.
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