I need to find a dead MBA 80GB PATA hard disk from Rev A. MBA. I looked at eBay and Craigslist but don't see any. Am I missing any sources?
He looking to swap the dead hd into his Macbook Air that has runcore and bring it into Applecare.
The specs with the runcore were a dead giveaway.
Buy a live disk and kill it?
And if it has to be a dead disk, is its capacity really that important? A dead 120 GB or 60 GB acts just as dead as a dead 80 GB.
Mine's dead. I'm trying to get it replaced, but its yours for the cost of shipping.
I tried a Toshiba 80GB but it wouldn't format it Disk Utility (it was a pull from an iPod). Any ideas on where to find a replacement, or any other drives that are compatible?