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macrumors member
Original poster
Jul 28, 2008
Inglewood, CA
I'm trying to customize some icons for some of the app store apps I have on my iPhone but I can't seem to find the App folder for them (mainly IMPlus and Simplify Media) I want to be able to find the folders so I know what to name the customized .png file. So if anyone could help me find these folders or knows the icon names for these apps I'd really appreciate it.

Thanks in advance.
not always, when you can't see the exact name it could be a guessing game because capitalization counts. Currently I'm renaming my custom icon and restarting the springboard and seeing if it was correct, no luck so far.
Using winterboard would be safer as you will still have the original files :) and you can change your themes on the go :)
I am using winterboard, but without the correct filename for the icon Winterboard will not be able to override the original icon.
I am using winterboard, but without the correct filename for the icon Winterboard will not be able to override the original icon.

You name the icon "Programname.png" the program name being that which shows up under the icon in the Spring board.

For instance, since Crash Bandicoot shows up as CBNK, you'd name it CBNK.png.

Hope this helps.
You have to name the .png file the exact name that the app shows up as. Usually I'll get a theme I like but it doesn't have icons for all my apps so I'll change the ones I'm not going to use to ones that I will use. If winterboard didn't have an icon in the theme I wanted I would change one of the other icons to WinterBoard.png. If i changed it to winterboard.png, winter board.png, or Winterboard.png it wouldn't work. It isn't hard you just have to make sure that you put the exact name for the app as it shows up on the spring board.
Thanks a lot guys, I had the icons set to transparent so I was totally missing that easy fix. Also, now that I know how to do it correctly, I notice there's a lot of themes with incorrectly named icons.

Again, thanks a million.
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