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macrumors member
Original poster
Mar 20, 2008

My wife's SSD in an old 13in MBP stopped working today. She restarted it due to some problem and then it got stuck on the start-up screen, and after multiple attempts to fix the problem with no luck, I've given up on the SSD.

However, I was able to use Date Rescue to copy the files over. The only files she cares about are some recently imported iPhone photos, but I can't find them in the recovered files anywhere. There's an older iPhoto library that I upgraded, but the files aren't there.

I don't know if she used iPhoto or the Photo app. I'm not even sure exactly what OS she is running. She doesn't usually update. When I used the Recovery mode to install OS X on a new drive in an attempt to migrate everything over, it installed OS X 10.9.5.

I was able to find many of the photos in the attachment folder for Messages, but not the actual imported photos.

Any help in recovering these photos would be greatly appreciated!!
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