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macrumors 68020
Original poster
Mar 28, 2006
The Library.
I need RF slaves (transmitter/reviever set) for use with my K100D and Vivtar 285HV. Just wondering where (preferably besides ebay, I'm just not a big ebay person) I can get them for less than $50. I saw some on ebay for $20 about a week ago.
Thanks is advance,


macrumors G5
Jan 5, 2006
Redondo Beach, California
I need RF slaves (transmitter/reviever set) for use with my K100D and Vivtar 285HV. Just wondering where (preferably besides ebay, I'm just not a big ebay person) I can get them for less than $50. I saw some on ebay for $20 about a week ago.
Thanks is advance,

Why RF? If price is important optical slaves start at about $30 at BH Photo. Optical slaves work the same way unless you have other people using flash in the area.


macrumors 68020
Original poster
Mar 28, 2006
The Library.
Why RF? If price is important optical slaves start at about $30 at BH Photo. Optical slaves work the same way unless you have other people using flash in the area.

because I don't want any on camera flash because that flattens images and getting light from the pop up flash not to hit the subject but still reach the optical slaves would be a pain. anyway, I found some nice looking RF triggers at a site called they should be here in the mail by sunday.


macrumors G5
Jan 5, 2006
Redondo Beach, California
because I don't want any on camera flash because that flattens images and getting light from the pop up flash not to hit the subject but still reach the optical slaves would be a pain.

Radio would be nicer but the effect of the on-camer flash on the subject can be controlled to nearly zero.

I use a small on-camera strobe (a Nikon SB16) turned backwards to hit the back wall or up at the ceiling. Typically I can use 1/16th power. so my on-camera trigger flash is maybe 4 or 5 stops below the other lights so it has no noticeable effect.

Now that I have a power pack system I connect the optical slave to the power pack with a long PC sync cord and I'll mount the slave on the back wall and aim the SB18 directly at the slave. With this setup I can run the on-camera strobe at the lowest setting. The best part is the re-cycle time is near zero.

Radio would be nicer. With my medium format camera I used a wire. The Mamiya RB67 lacked a hot shoe and only had a round sync terminal. There is really nothing wrong with a 25 foot cord

I have an underwater system too. On that system my external strobe has an optical slave but I block the on camera slave with a metal plate and run an optical fiber cable from in back of the plate to the slave sansor You are right, I absolutely did not want the on-camera light to hit the subject.


macrumors 68020
Original poster
Mar 28, 2006
The Library.
while your setup makes sense, it may not for people who are short on cash. an SB-16 plus optical slaves costs much more than a simple RF set, which can be found for under $30 brand new if one is not in need of pocket wizard like flexibility. here's where I got mine. even if it doesn't end up working amazingly well, it was only 25 bucks. anyhow, good to hear that your gear suits your needs, as that's really all that matters.


macrumors 68020
Original poster
Mar 28, 2006
The Library.
How are the ebay RF's, i've read mixed reviews, but to be honest...i don't have the money to pony up for pocket wizards...

I don't know yet. I got my order confirmation. They should be here in 15 business days or less, but hopefully 3 to 5. That's the shipping I requested. Anyways, I'll update the thread when they come in the mail. I've only heard good things about them! Also, if you're afraid of ebay like I am, you can use use They have the same flashes for the same prices.
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