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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Aug 8, 2006

I've recently gotten into film and have been shooting with black and white 35mm film. It's cheap and good to learn on. I've been developing it on my own in the school's lab but they have shut down for the summer as they are relocating until august. I have a bunch of rolls I really would like to develop. A photo place here outsources it for about $16-$20 a roll, but I was wondering if it would be safe to take this into a place like Walmart or Walgreens or a place like that? I would just need negatives, not any prints made. The film isn't C41. Not sure what it is but the film roll does say DX, don't know if that's the type of processing it uses. So what do you all think? Wait until August to develop, or would it be possible to develop it somewhere cheap?


macrumors 68030
May 25, 2007
Birmingham, UK
I assume it's standard b&w film so any lab that processes b&W should be fine.
DX is coding film uses to show what iso it is.

I'd recommend some, but they are UK based. I'm guessing you're not


macrumors regular
Dec 5, 2006
New Jersey
Where are you located? I can certainly recommend a good place in Manhattan, but that probably won't do you much good. Try googling of the (gasp) yellow pages for local pro labs in your area.

Another option, since you are comfortable in a dark room, is to get a glove bag, daylight bag, chemicals, and do it yourself at home. You may also be able to rent darkroom time somewhere, but again, that depends on where you live.


macrumors 68000
May 1, 2006
Fury 161
Get the yelow pages, and call some random local wedding photographers asking the
question. If you're polite and nice, they might be willing to help you.


macrumors Nehalem
Feb 19, 2005
Get the yelow pages, and call some random local wedding photographers asking the
question. If you're polite and nice, they might be willing to help you.

He doesn't need to do this. He needs to give his general location and even google will help him find a processing place. :)


macrumors 6502
Sep 23, 2003

I've recently gotten into film and have been shooting with black and white 35mm film. It's cheap and good to learn on. I've been developing it on my own in the school's lab but they have shut down for the summer as they are relocating until august. I have a bunch of rolls I really would like to develop. A photo place here outsources it for about $16-$20 a roll, but I was wondering if it would be safe to take this into a place like Walmart or Walgreens or a place like that? I would just need negatives, not any prints made. The film isn't C41. Not sure what it is but the film roll does say DX, don't know if that's the type of processing it uses. So what do you all think? Wait until August to develop, or would it be possible to develop it somewhere cheap?

Walmart can also send your films off and process just about anything you have. Just make sure it is PLAINLY written on the envelope you send it in. They to a killer job on my slide and MF rolls.


macrumors 601
Oct 5, 2006
Northern/Central VA

I've recently gotten into film and have been shooting with black and white 35mm film. It's cheap and good to learn on. I've been developing it on my own in the school's lab but they have shut down for the summer as they are relocating until august. I have a bunch of rolls I really would like to develop. A photo place here outsources it for about $16-$20 a roll, but I was wondering if it would be safe to take this into a place like Walmart or Walgreens or a place like that? I would just need negatives, not any prints made. The film isn't C41. Not sure what it is but the film roll does say DX, don't know if that's the type of processing it uses. So what do you all think? Wait until August to develop, or would it be possible to develop it somewhere cheap?

reel(s), 1 tank, changing bag, 1 bottle opener, 1 thermometer, developer, fixer, stop, distilled water if you're anal and a couple of clothes pins and somewhere to hang it. Supplies minus chemicals should be less than $50. Start with D76 if you want a normal developer.


macrumors 6502
Original poster
Aug 8, 2006
Thanks for the advice, everyone. I think I will pursue this wal mart option. I don't want to go to a pro developer here, because, as I said, the only place here outsources it for about $20 a roll. I don't want to spend ~$50 on my own developing equipment because I have already paid a year membership for my school's darkroom and supplies, and I only have on roll to develop on my own before they open up again. Thanks again


macrumors newbie
May 15, 2008
Worth it...


I also pay a fee to use a darkroom and do the printing there but have found it's REALLY convenient to be able to do negs at home.

You can get the stuff cheap on ebay (tanks and a bag), the chemicals are pretty cheap as well and it means that you can do your own "one hour" processing. Doesn't take long. Can be done in the lounge room and means that when you go to the dark room you can focus on the stuff that's fun -- making prints and getting it just right - not on waiting for the negs to dry.

With a scanner at home you can also go from camera -> developed film -> flickr/macrumors/e-mail in a few hours.

I just develop on my dining room table, rinse in the sink (which is the room next-door) then hang the negs to dry from a coat-hanger hanging off the shower head (with some weights). Just close the windows and doors and run the shower (hot) for a few minutes to get rid of the dust in the room.

I got a lot of my equipment from my dad but you can often buy whole darkrooms (tanks, weights, thermometers, measures) on ebay cheap. Especially if you're in the states (here in AU they aren't so well priced).

Well worth it.
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