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macrumors member
Original poster
Dec 23, 2004
i've been getting into the deviant art (here) scene recently, and am wondering where I can take my work next. At the moment I've been pretty limited to flora and landscapes. Quite simply, what are some cool ideas of things to capture? What looks impressive, and indeed, what can help me start to earn a living through photography? I'm about to move into selling my own prints, and I'd like to broaden my available portfolio before 'opening shop'...

If someone could check out my stuff on that link, and consider what's there already, if there are any major flaws, and of course reccomend some alternative subjects to work on, that would be awesome.

Thanks guys



macrumors 68000
Mar 10, 2005
I'm really not sure how to go about making money in photography, as in a guaranteed way. I'm still exploring that avenue.
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Clix Pix

macrumors Core
With flowers, since photos of them are so common, it's a good idea to strive for the unusual, getting up close and personal or a different perspective....



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