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macrumors 68000
Original poster
Dec 15, 2006
Edinburgh, Scotland
Hi all,

I have a question that I have failed to find the answer to. I'be been wondering about this for a while. Since it having been featured in the Pirates of Silicon Valley movie, I was trying to find further information on the old Apple Headquarters (before One Infinite Loop and Campus 2).

On Wikipedia ( it says that the old Apple Headquarters were located at the Mariani One building in Cupertino (,+Cupertino&um=1&ie=UTF-8&hq=&hnear=0x808fb5b412fb7361:0x40f64df0f3a1edee,20525+Mariani+Ave,+Cupertino,+CA+95014&ei=wde4T5ndEuid0AXbw6zaBw&sa=X&oi=geocode_result&ct=image&resnum=1&ved=0CBkQ8gEwAA). This building is still in use by Apple.

In the Pirates of Silicon Valley movie, shots of the construction of the Apple Headquarters are shown (not historic footage, of course) but it looks different to the Mariani One building. It may have undergone different construction works over the years, but It looks totally different to what it looks like in the film (minute 0:40:37 to 0:40:47;

Does anyone have any more information on this?

I'd take what's written in the wiki over a movie, any day.

What does Steve's biography state the HQ was?
I think its interested where these companies started.

Apple Started in a Garage
Microsoft started in a Garage and some ****** rented motel rooms
I think its interested where these companies started.

Apple Started in a Garage
Microsoft started in a Garage and some ****** rented motel rooms

No, I know that. What I want to know is where their headquarters lay in the 1980's. It just seems peculiar to me that there are pictures of the NeXT campus but not of the Apple campus from 1980 - 1990.
I read the biography and if I recall correctly the headquarters were in Cupertino but as the company expanded they bought new land in the same city for the main headquarters
The new office, located at 20863 Stevens Creek Boulevard, was called the "Good Earth" building, because it was adjacent to a Good Earth restaurant. In fact, the office used to be Apple's very first office in Cupertino, after they moved out of Steve Jobs' parents' house, and was later used as the first office of the Lisa project, when the Lisa team had fewer than ten employees.

From here.
Several posters have the address right. I just thought I'd add a pic.

Apple's first office (1976): 20863 Stevens Creek Blvd, Cupertino


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