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macrumors regular
Original poster
Nov 3, 2011
Milky Way Galaxy
I think this could be a great thread. The choice what Steve did at a specific moment I leave up to you.

Where was I when Steve Jobs ...

... announced the original Macintosh:
I was right around the corner to see the light of day.

... resigned as CEO:
I was just 5 min back from a great beach vacation. I was really relaxed and thought this is a great summer.
My MacBook was stored at a friend's home and as we arrived I got the sad news. The music we had listened on that day always reminds me of this day.
Music is a stark "storage media" for memories.

This was the time when I did my diploma thesis. I got the news by short message when I was at home. "Nonetheless, you have to be productive today" was my girlfriend's message ;)

I am eagerly looking forward to your various contributions on this thread.
... announced the original Macintosh: Not born yet. :D

... resigned as CEO: I was at my grandma's. I called my dad when I heard the news.

...died: We had just come back from getting dinner. I actually didn't get to eat most of it because I had this horrible feeling in my stomach after hearing the news. Called my dad then too.
Where I was when SJ:

...announced the original Macintosh. About minus 14 years old!

...stepped down as CEO. On holiday in France. We had BBC News, and I heard them mentioning SJ as I was still in bed. My first thought was that he had died :(

...died. At home, sleeping. Woke up to read the news on my iPhone.
Where was I when Steve Jobs ...

... announced the original Macintosh:
I was 12 years old. I had no idea that I would become an Apple addict.

... resigned as CEO:
On holiday in the US. We were in D.C. just before walking to the White House.
That announcement really hit me: the end was nigh.

At home asleep. I woke up that morning (CET)and 3 friends and colleagues had text me about the horrific news.
1. I was less than a year old at that point.

2. I don't remember.

3. In a crisis at work because a ship had crashed on the same day.
where was I when sj introd. the Mac

i was 21 old jobless,did not care ,now 50 yrs old ,i love the Mac,i have ,a few of them,had windows ,they suck,love only Mac now
Mac - Not alive
Resigned - I don't care
Died - I don't care

9/11 - Elementary school classroom
Oklahoma - I don't care
I was 8
I dunno
I was asleep

9-11: was having breakfast with my Platoon leader at Ft. Drum, NY I said “how you like to be the guy known for driving his plane into a building” October 2nd I was on a plane headed to Afghanistan.

Oklahoma City: Doing final prep for lunch at Old Peninsula Brew Pub in Kalamazoo MI.
1. Not born
2. Don't know, don't care
3. See above

9/11 - at home, playing hooky from high school because I forgot to study for a test that day
OKC - Too young to remember
I think this could be a great thread. The choice what Steve did at a specific moment I leave up to you.

Where was I when Steve Jobs ...

... announced the original Macintosh:
I was right around the corner to see the light of day.

On deployment in the Western Pacific for the Navy.

The other events are relatively insignificant in the scheme of things.
1. Wasn't born yet.

2. Was enjoying the adventurous life of a one year old.

3. I was at home when I switched on the news. Pretty much ruined my day.
Can't remember x3

While I love all things Apple, these events didn't rise to the occasion of searing a day into my memory like, for example 9/11 did. Sorry.
... announced the original Macintosh:
not born yet

... resigned as CEO:
I honestly can't remember

At home. I got a text from a friend and didn't believe it. Went to Yahoo and saw the breaking news banner on my iPhone and took the attached screenshot.
I turned on the TV and waited for the news to interrupt one of the primetime shows and sure enough it did.


  • IMG_1271.PNG
    311.5 KB · Views: 119
... announced the original Macintosh:
not born yet

... resigned as CEO:
I honestly can't remember

At home. I got a text from a friend and didn't believe it. Went to Yahoo and saw the breaking news banner on my iPhone and took the attached screenshot.
I turned on the TV and waited for the news to interrupt one of the primetime shows and sure enough it did.

i4Collin, thanks for your posting, especially the screenshot is a nice piece of web-history.

I hope this thread will stay on top for a long time.
I know we have to look forward as Steve did, but sometimes it's nice to look back.

Although I never met Steve, he has been an incredible influence on my life.
Of course starting with my choice for the Macintosh as my primary and favorite computer as well as my choice of studying, what I read ... or more precisely he had a great influence on how I make my decisions in general.

He made my life much more easier.

This thread is dedicated to him.

I am eagerly looking forward to further contributions on this thread.
... announced the original Macintosh:
I wasn't born back then.

... resigned as CEO:
Playing a PC game.

Where was I when Steve Jobs ...

... announced the original Macintosh:

Changing "facts" to fit the "truth" in the Ministry of Truth.:) Either that or watch Superbowl XVIII.

... resigned as CEO:

This was back in 1985, right? I thought he was forced out in favor of a sugar water seller. I was cleaning Room 101 in the Ministry of Love. Either that or bagging groceries to earn enough for an IBM PC.

Lurking on MR.
This was back in 1985, right? I thought he was forced out in favor of a sugar water seller. I was cleaning Room 101 in the Ministry of Love. Either that or bagging groceries to earn enough for an IBM PC.

Jobs wasn't the CEO of Apple until 2000.
Jobs wasn't the CEO of Apple until 2000.


Sculley learned that Jobs—who believed Sculley to be "bad for Apple" and the wrong person to lead the company—had been attempting to organize a boardroom coup, and on May 24, 1985, called a board meeting to resolve the matter. Apple's board of directors sided with Sculley and removed Jobs from his managerial duties as head of the Macintosh division. Jobs resigned from Apple five months later and founded NeXT Inc. the same year.

In 1996, Apple announced that it would buy NeXT for $427 million. The deal was finalized in late 1996, bringing Jobs back to the company he co-founded.
In school and it had little to no impact.
Still in school and didn't care nor did it have any impact on me.
Eating dinner.

None of these moments had any real impact on my life.
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