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macrumors 65816
Original poster
Jun 5, 2011
Over the years I have bought tonnes of Apple devices (i'm sure you have too).

But the one that first got me hooked was the iPod 3rd gen (i think it was a 20GB). It also happened to be my very first Apple product. I even had to go out and buy a FireWire card for my desktop, which I had no idea what it was.

Which Apple product got you?

my first ever apple product of my very own was an emac for college back in 2002/2003

i remember thinking it was so fast

prior to that my family only had a imac g3 dv SE from 99? and before that we only had a apple ll for our only computer lol

After this I bought a black 30GB ipod, the following year I started using a macbook pro and now I am waiting for the new iMac to come out before adding to my mac collection.
A brand spankin new PowerBook 170.

Running System 7, it was the most innovative notebook computer of that era.

Purchased the day they were released, from the first ever Apple company store on the Cupertino campus, it was a day to remember. Jam packed with Apple employees it was standing room only.

The receipt included an Apple StyleWriter serial ink jet printer, printer cable & Claris Works software. All for the low, low price of... Ready?

A whopping $3,289 (1991) US Dollars.

Who said current Apple Laptops are expensive?

Some things never change :)
My first mac...Power Mac 5260 running Mac OS 7.5.3:


Back when a 1GB hard drive was practically impossible to fill up.













With the Way apple has been going lately with the desktop Line, the iMac 2011 might be my last Mac, I can say the engineering, design, and build quality and reliability is significantly less than the Macs that came before it. Its a nice computer...when its working.

They were always great complements to my PC's over the years, the PC's doing the real work and heavy lifting/gaming. The Macs being my school computer ( Pismo was my college laptop, had a pretty decent Dell Tower back in the day for school as well ), and daily driving computers. Hopefully Apple will start making good desktops again.
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My mother purchased one of these while she was pregnant with me. Received it as a hand-me-down some years later.
I bought an iPod touch a few years back and I... liked it.

Same with the iPhone 4s.

But hooked? I will never buy myself a non-Macbook again if I have any say in the matter.
Awesome! Would never have thought an airport would have made the list

Don't get me wrong, i'd been very interested in OS X since 2001 when i first heard about it. But the requirement to jump to PowerPC held me back. I admire the architecture as much as anyone, but practical concerns: no windows, no vmware, and sub-par linux support, made me hesitate.

As soon as the intel switch happened, i'd decided my next box was going to be a mac. There was no downside, if i didn't like OS X, i could run Windows or Linux instead.

As it happened, i ended up buying an airport expess to upgrade to wireless N and the quality and "it just works" of the device convinced me to get my feet wet with a mac mini, well before my PC was due to be retired (it had just been upgraded to a Core2 Q6600).

I ended up using the mini in my sig more than the PC.... so i bought the MBP as a "do anything" machine. :)
Over the years I have bought tonnes of Apple devices (i'm sure you have too).

But the one that first got me hooked was the iPod 3rd gen (i think it was a 20GB). It also happened to be my very first Apple product. I even had to go out and buy a FireWire card for my desktop, which I had no idea what it was.

Which Apple product got you?


Same thing as you.... :)
I am almost embarrassed to admit that my first Apple product was the 6115 during the lost years, but having used Windows machines for over a decade, I was tired of crashes and having to reboot constantly and lost work. While it was not as stable as later Macs (I have had an iMac and now a Mac Pro besides various devices), it was fixable by me, and that's what counts for me.
The Mac SE was my first Mac but I used both a PC and the Mac at the point

then I got the iMac and all that changed :D
Journalism school and this baby:


Along with:


I had used the first iMac in high school but was not a fan of the mouse and I was also still into computer games then too.
This was the little bugger that did it for me:


It was this (except in silver :D ). I loved how much music I could store on it and how portable it was and I actually liked managing my music through iTunes.

When I got my first cellphone (motorola krzr), I always used to carry my iPod and cellphone with me so when I needed to get a new phone I just got the iPhone to replace both devices. Tried a Blackberry afterwards but it didn't compare to the iPhone so went back.

Just this month got my first Mac, a Macbook Air, and I'm still adjusting to OS X (not sure if I like it more than Windows), but I do like the build quality of the machine and the connectivity with my iPhone.

Looking towards getting an iPad and AppleTV in the future too. The whole ecosystem and how it works is just great.
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