heaven said:
thx for your replies!
But isn't there something like emule or edonkey on a mac?
And what do u guys use, to clean your drives and things like that? Is there something I have to do regularly?
Check out
mac-p2p.com they have a lot of stuff on p2p, and the site is pretty self explanitory.
You should never have to defragment your hard drive, OS X does it automatically; and if you run a 3rd party defragmenter it could end up rendering your HD totaly usless.
Virii aren't anything Mac users have to worry about now, but if you want to scan your HD for virii every onec in a while thats OK. When using a virus scanner on the Mac, you deffinatly want to stay away from Norton. Anything that has to do with Norton on the Mac is not good. (When I uninstalled Norton on my computer, I got kernel panicks galore) Many people, including myself, would recomend Virex 7.
And to keep your system updated, run
Cocktail about 1-2 times a month. After installing software, you might want to open up Disk Utility (Applications>Utilites>Disk Utility), select your hard drive and click on the 'Repair Permissions' Button.
Of course, Cocktail and Disk Utility are total optional, I know many people who get by just fine with out doing a single thing to their computer.
Hope that answers most of your questinons.
And I'm jelous of your new computer!

(you'll love it)