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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Mar 17, 2004
I need help....

What Canon camera should I buy for tkaing photos of family events, trips, scenery, etc.?

Canon PowerShot S80

Canon PowerShot S3-IS

Canon PowerShot G6

Canon PowerShot Elph SD700

Canon Rebel XT (like this camera, has good reviews, but hate the silver plastic body)

I also like the Canon 30D but I'm not sure if I like the idea of changing lens, etc. It's also a little pricey and it may be overkill for me. I'm not one who like to play with manual controls. I mostly like to pint and shoot but I want a quality camera with good photos and high megapixels.


macrumors 68020
Apr 5, 2004
Huntsville, AL
Mac2004 said:
I also like the Canon 30D but I'm not sure if I like the idea of changing lens, etc. It's also a little pricey and it may be overkill for me. I'm not one who like to play with manual controls. I mostly like to pint and shoot but I want a quality camera with good photos and high megapixels.
Get a PowerShot, then. I have a PowerShot A95 that's been fantastic for quick-n-dirty point and shoot jobs.

I have a Digital Rebel XT (w/ a few lenses) for my "real" photography. :)


macrumors 6502
Original poster
Mar 17, 2004
I like the Canon Rebel but I really do not like the plastic body of the camera but I guess if I get the extended warranty that Best Buy offers why worry??


macrumors 6502a
Apr 29, 2006
Laguna Niguel, CA
you can get the rebel xt in black you know ( i hate silver cameras too, except old leicas, leica chrome is just sexy )

im not a big fan of point and shoots. but thats just me. id say go for the rebel xt in black. its a surprisingly sturdy camera


macrumors regular
May 23, 2003
Los Angeles
The best camera to the one you will use....

Do you always want to be able to have the camera with you?
.....then buy the small elph

Do you like the idea of being able to find batteries cheaper and easier, a good zoom lens, image stablization, and a flip screen to take pictures at wierd angles? Then buy the S3

Do you want not to have a delay in shooting, the ability to shoot in RAW, and the ability to switch lenses? Then buy the Rebel XT

I have no experience with the S80. The G6 is a rather old model and I think the S3 pretty much covers that model nowadays.


macrumors 6502a
S3 IS way to go...

I faced this same decision about 3 months ago. After reading too many reviews online and talking to people, I went with the Powershot S3 IS. I love the zoom, it uses the same processor as the Rebel and it has more features than I know what to do with. I take a lot of Nature/sports pix and it has worked very well. I like the size of it. It fits neatly in a small bag/backpack/slingback whatever or depending upon what kind of shorts/pants your wearing, it'll fit in your pocket. I'm very glad I saved the money right now and got the S3 for about $299 at Adorama. My work just got a 30D and for many people it's complete overkill. Just my 2¢.



macrumors Penryn
Dec 27, 2002
Location Location Location
hana said:
The best camera to the one you will use....

Agreed. Choose the one you're willing to carry with you. If you want more manual features and take lots of photographs, then you may want something like an S3-IS rather than an elph. If you're going to use it on AUTO mode, and might play with manual if you need to, then get the SD700.


macrumors 6502a
Feb 7, 2003
Digital Rebel XT is a very good camera. The only problem I've ever had is that dust tends to collect on the surface of the CMOS sensor, but is easily cleaned with a rubber bulb. Good camera, has all of the features you'd want.

Actually, that brings up a question I've had for a little while. Does the XT do exposure bracketing? I know it does white balance bracketing but was wondering if it does automatic exposure brackceting. If it does, I haven't been able to figure out how to do it.



macrumors 6502
Mar 27, 2006
London, UK
To OP:
Can't really compare for you but, I am very happy with my rebel xt (black). But then again it is a better camera than I am a photographer!:)

anubis said:
Actually, that brings up a question I've had for a little while. Does the XT do exposure bracketing? I know it does white balance bracketing but was wondering if it does automatic exposure brackceting. If it does, I haven't been able to figure out how to do it.
menu--camera 2--AEB--SET-->AF


macrumors regular
Nov 4, 2004
Chi town
If i were you I would do the S3 or an Elph. THe elph is just small a perfect for having in your pocket at all times. THe big appeal of the S3 is that you can take video and snap a pic at the same time. If you have kids this is the perfect camera both worlds in one machine.

I think the Rebel is overkill for what you want


macrumors 6502a
Dec 12, 2005
Eagle Mountain, UT
I own the S80 and I think it's a fantastic camera. Great photo quality and seems very durable. Consumer Reports rated the A160(or something like that) the best the S80 was ranked 5th.


macrumors 603
Mar 30, 2004
S3 is probably the happy medium between SD700 and EOS 350D (Digital Rebel XT).

Despite lack of shutter and aperture priorities, I do like "take it anywhere" portability of SD700. But there are often times when I do want full capability (including RAW) of EOS 350D.

That said, I think EOS 350D is due for an upgrade in few months (it's nearly 1.5 year old now).
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