I'm going to be getting a new iMac for my wife in another month (birthday present, but also waiting to see if they are refreshed soon). She uses Photoshop and Lightroom quite a bit for photography, and it's starting to drag down her 24" iMac (about 2 years old now) and I was going to surprise her with the 27" now that the display issues seem to have been worked through. When configuring the system to get my budget ready for it, I came up with a choice that I wasn't sure which one would be best with her application usage, and wanted to see what you all thought.
First thought was a 27" with the i5 processor. I see they come with 4GB standard now, and for $180 (corporate discount) I can go to 8GB of RAM. Or, for that same $180, I can get the i7 processor instead. Using Photoshop CS5 and Lightroom 2 (wanting to have them both open editing), which would be more beneficial - the RAM or the processor?
Of course, I could just save some more pennies and get them both (or get third-party RAM upgrade at half the cost), but all things being equal, what would be the best upgrade?
First thought was a 27" with the i5 processor. I see they come with 4GB standard now, and for $180 (corporate discount) I can go to 8GB of RAM. Or, for that same $180, I can get the i7 processor instead. Using Photoshop CS5 and Lightroom 2 (wanting to have them both open editing), which would be more beneficial - the RAM or the processor?
Of course, I could just save some more pennies and get them both (or get third-party RAM upgrade at half the cost), but all things being equal, what would be the best upgrade?