I am torn between the 20" and 23" Apple Cinema Display. I am getting one of them so I can put it on my bedroom wall using the VESA Mount, along with an EyeTV 250 and my MacBook. Stereo wise, I am going to use my Altec Lansing IM7 speakers. I am going to use the screen for basic uses really; watching TV, playing on my Playstation 2 using the EyeTV 250 playing games like Singstar and using my dancemat etc..., and using it as a media centre via Front Row. So this is where I come to the point on which display to choose. There is a massive price different between the two (£400), and I am wondering if 3" extra is really worth it. But I have seen on Apple's website that that it isn't HD (I think). I this going to make any difference to the things that I am wanting to do that I have stated above? Please reply quick, I am in a real dilemma!