What's with the sarcasm?
Just make sure that you get an external HD that is at least double the size of your HD.
I have always liked Lacie. Have a 500 GB Lacie Quadra for my TM for my MBP.
Curious, why do you want to use USB for it? FireWire 800 will be a better connection for Time Machine back ups unless you have something already planned to be taking up the FireWire 800 port all the time.
If FiireWiire 800 is better, then thats what I'll get. Thanks for the info. This is why I posted the thread, to get info from people smarter than me.
If I were you, I would go ahead and put $20-30 more with a USB model and get a FW400/800 and/or one that also has esata. You will be much happier that you did in the long haul.
Yes, USB 2.0 may be more than suffcient for time machine backups, but believe me, you will grow to live FW if you have never used it. I use my FW drives everyday. They are amazing.
Some other drives to check out are ones from OWC. Google them or try otherworldcomputing.com . I think that is their site. I have some of their drives, ram, etc. They have great stuff!
Good luck. P.S., spring for firewire. You'll be glad you did.
I agree with OldCorpse (did I actually say that), I've got one of these and works just fine, is a ton cheaper, yes it's USB only, but that's ok.