I bought a Digital Audio Powermac a few months back and have been slowly been bringing her up to spec adding 1GB of RAM, a 9800 Pro 128mb, Firmtek SATA card and MAXLINE 250GB 16mb cache HDD, 5 port USB 2 card etc
I had been holding off on upgrading the processor from the single 533 currently installed in the hope that we'd see the 7448 in the new powerbooks and subsequently a 7448 upgrade for G4 Powermacs. However that didn't happen and I'm unsure how much longer it will take for an upgrade to become available.
So it looks like my choices are down to either Fastmac's 7445 based 1.467 GHz or Gigadesigns 2.0Ghz 7447. While they both look like they will give a nice boost to my system I want to know which is better for gaming ? I know that people are saying the 2mb L3 cache in the 7445 is worth 300mhz or so but in that case the 2.0Ghz 7447 will pull ahead in terms of gaming performance ?
Any thoughts/suggestions would be very much appreciated
I had been holding off on upgrading the processor from the single 533 currently installed in the hope that we'd see the 7448 in the new powerbooks and subsequently a 7448 upgrade for G4 Powermacs. However that didn't happen and I'm unsure how much longer it will take for an upgrade to become available.
So it looks like my choices are down to either Fastmac's 7445 based 1.467 GHz or Gigadesigns 2.0Ghz 7447. While they both look like they will give a nice boost to my system I want to know which is better for gaming ? I know that people are saying the 2mb L3 cache in the 7445 is worth 300mhz or so but in that case the 2.0Ghz 7447 will pull ahead in terms of gaming performance ?
Any thoughts/suggestions would be very much appreciated