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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Oct 6, 2003
Victoria, Australia
Several sites have sprung up in the last for hosting and displaying your GB tunes.

The ones I know about are:


Which one(s) do you post you music on? Or if you just listen, which one do you prefer?

Also, I'm Rich, PowerMac and the other guys who run these sites would be curious to know why you chose them, so what is it you like about the one(s) you host on.

edit: If you know of any others, let us know too.
I obviously use MacIdol. At the time I was choosing, I just found it the easiest to navigate and the charts thing up front and in your face appealed to my ego! :D

If I had to change, I like the look of iCompositions now, but I think MacBand is streets ahead of everyone in the look & feel department.
i like iCompositions because that's the first one i ran across. the music is organized, there are lots of sorting options, and they are constantly adding new features (today when i did my daily visit, i say a new "genre bar" near the top. so on those days when i'm just craving reggae, i can easily find it.)

i haven't really visited the other sites though. maybe i will...

Originally posted by realityisterror
i haven't really visited the other sites though. maybe i will...

You should! They are all a little different and have their own special features.

And if you want maximum exposure, join a few and post your stuff on them.

That said, I do think you should be loyal to one. That means when you tell ppl where your stuff is posted, you tell them your fave - in your case iCompositions. Coz you do want to see them succeed.
Well, I personally like iCompositions... but that's pretty obvious ;) (that was a joke, please don't flame me)

Seriously though, I don't think MacBand should be up there because the title of this thread is "Which GB music hosting site do you use?" and they're not a hosting site, just a link aggregator taking songs from everyone and making a rating page for them. That's just my opinion, though.

realityisterror, don't listen to him, we like you here ;) (that was a joke, please don't flame me)
iCompositions is great

I like's a great site. HOWEVER...some of the moderating can get a little heavy handed.

They are VERY strict.
No foul language in the forums and you have to post explicit stuff in the explicit section. That's not that strict.
Gravity on MacRumors you are not even allowed to use almost swear words - eg ****e or sh*t.

So if you're happy in MacRumors, I can't see why you'd have any problem with iCompostions.

I don't post there, but if I did I'd be pleased to know they moderate the forums - because I don't want some guy getting his jollies by non-constructively flaming my work with a whole lot of misspelt profanities.

Sites like iCompositions are there to showcase our works and for their constructive appraisal.

And, like MacRumors (and maybe even more so) - they are a community where like minded people can hang and feel comfortable.

edit: hahaha - it automatically moderated me!! the word with the four asterisks is pronounced shyyt
No, that wouldn't be.

Originally posted by powermac99
No foul language in the forums and you have to post explicit stuff in the explicit section. That's not that strict.

I'm not talking about explicit language in the forums. I agree that should be censored. However, I recall that you locked a conversation I had with another poster that began to discuss the differences between racial minorities/affirmative action and the minority of composers that had posted songs with explicit lyrics.

It was not a full-fledged argument, and nothing anybody had said was offensive to me. I would have gladly, and calmly debated an issue without making it personal.

You made a unilateral decision to censor a conversation that hadn't broken any rules, or offended anyone.

I'd call that strict. And heavy handed.

meh, I dont like the look and feel of icompositions, i like macidol more.
Originally posted by Gravity
I'm not talking about explicit language in the forums. I agree that should be censored. However, I recall that you locked a conversation I had with another poster that began to discuss the differences between racial minorities/affirmative action and the minority of composers that had posted songs with explicit lyrics.

It was not a full-fledged argument, and nothing anybody had said was offensive to me. I would have gladly, and calmly debated an issue without making it personal.

You made a unilateral decision to censor a conversation that hadn't broken any rules, or offended anyone.

I'd call that strict. And heavy handed.


Hmm, I don't even remember that. Did I do it or was it a moderator? Anyway, we're not that strict anymore, in my opinion.
Hey PowerMac, have you investigated the legalities of streaming covers?

My investigations said under aussie law it comes under performing rights and is the responsibility of the site owner (eg Rich at MacIdol)

Rich found the same applies for UK law. He was told
to licence 51-1000 30sec "preview" clips streams per quarter will cost £158! Downloads a lot more!

Altho it is possible that RicP is right that he has the appropriate licence for his covers (under US law) and that negates Rich's need to include Ric's covers in his licence, Rich has decided that he cannot allow any covers coz it will be too hard to administer whether people have appropriate licences - if they even can under his UK law. It's just safer and easier to have one rule for all.

But he has also said, if it's different in the US and/or that you have the appropriate licence he'd have no probs letting people point to their cover song's page on iCompositions (or any other site) from MacIdol.
Well, we're located in the US and we haven't heard about anything like this. We're going to continue hosting covers (although we won't include them on our iCompositions Creations Disk) until we get sued again.
No, I'm just exageratting ;) although I did make the person (I won't name names) pretty angry and they emailed "WE WILL SUE YOU..." :( Oh well. :)
Don't you love trademarks?

Unfortunately, may be big enough to defend itself against trademark infringement.

My brother's company, gets its fair share of copiers...and we have to threaten people in our industry with suits who try to use our copy, or similar name, for any of their products.

Most choose to cooperate, but larger companies with legal departments are harder nuts to crack. When it comes to those...we pick and choose our battles. But our best defense is to solidify our brand in the industry and promote the hell out of it.
I'm not entirely sure what you mean. Yes, is big enough to defend themselves against trademark infringement but that's not a concern anymore. All GB communities have settled with so we can't be sued.
Originally posted by ChrisH3677
Hey jadam! :D

When will you be putting up new material? I liked Tempest and my wife likes it more than any of my stuff! :D

hah thanks a lot! Soon im working on something right now.
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