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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jul 25, 2010
I have seen posts in which people ask about gaming on the mac without windows, using multiple monitors, or thinking of upgrading to a mac pro. None of these accurately describe my problem. I know that mac os x does not support crossfire.

I have a 2009 mac pro. I use os X for everything except gaming. The 5770 does what I need it to do on the mac side. Gaming under bootcamp with windows 7 is not as good as I would like. I will only be using one ACD 27" and no other monitor. I do not wish to put a 2nd PSU in the 2nd optical bay slot.

So, should I order another 5770 and use it in crossfire or sell the 5770 that I have and upgrade to the 5870. As I recall, crossfire is not a mobo thing. If this has been answered before, I apologize in advance.

Any help is greatly appreciated.


A 5870 is (on paper) twice as fast as one 5770. Two 5770s would be even in theory, but crossfire mode always has a speed hit, so the 5870 would beat two 5770s in crossfire.

Plus you have to deal with a more "exotic" configuration with crossfire.
I have seen posts in which people ask about gaming on the mac without windows, using multiple monitors, or thinking of upgrading to a mac pro. None of these accurately describe my problem. I know that mac os x does not support crossfire.

I have a 2009 mac pro. I use os X for everything except gaming. The 5770 does what I need it to do on the mac side. Gaming under bootcamp with windows 7 is not as good as I would like. I will only be using one ACD 27" and no other monitor. I do not wish to put a 2nd PSU in the 2nd optical bay slot.

So, should I order another 5770 and use it in crossfire or sell the 5770 that I have and upgrade to the 5870. As I recall, crossfire is not a mobo thing. If this has been answered before, I apologize in advance.

Any help is greatly appreciated.


I believe the crossfired 5770s would be faster. and it will give you better anti-alasting. Why would you however even consider buying an 5870 it is outdated and expensive as hell compared to some of the newer cards out their. I use a 6870 and it as smooth as butter.
One point to note is that as far as I'm aware the 'Apple' versions of the 5770 or 5870 do not have the crossfire option.

So unless both the 5770 cards are 'Windows' versions of the cards the 2nd 5770 will just be sitting there not doing anything with no monitor plugged in.

My setup if 2x5770 (normal Apple versions (Apple gave me one for free!)) but I have multiple monitors splitting the load between them.

Bottom line is get the 5870 if you need the card now but as Cindori says wait for Lion as there looks to be native support for something like the 6870.
apple 5770 / 5870 supports xfire afaik.

I would very much like to implement this if they do. Do you have any info on this please? I couldn't find anything that suggested that anyone has it working with the Apple cards.
Thanks for this, I'm going to get the crossfire cable and see if I can get it working.
For your specific needs and requirements, the 5870 is the way to go. No question.

Personally, I am waiting for retail Lion to see what's up with AMD 6xxx series drivers.
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