stripped down version of mac os x... i did a little more research online and found the exact version to be 10.4.7
I purchased mine a couple of weeks ago and it came with 4.0. When I tried to jailbreak I found out that apple stopped signing the SHSH for that version so I had no luck with the jailbreak. The iPhone dev team has said that a jailbreak for 4.2.1 will be out within the week so we can jailbreak after that.
the current appletv software version is v4.1.1 and this is based on iOS 4.2.1.
Hope you are correct about a new JB this week!
I purchased mine a couple of weeks ago and it came with 4.0. When I tried to jailbreak I found out that apple stopped signing the SHSH for that version so I had no luck with the jailbreak. The iPhone dev team has said that a jailbreak for 4.2.1 will be out within the week so we can jailbreak after that.
You don't need SHSH to jailbreak the ATV if it came with 4 you can jailbreak it. You need SHSH to restore to Firmware 4 from a newer firmware version.
Nope, apple stopped signing 4.0 (ios 4.1) so you cant do custom restore
Currently no public way to do untethered JB on any version of aTV2, and I would be extremely happy to be proven wrong