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Best iPhone for Grandparents?

  • iPhone SE

    Votes: 9 56.3%
  • iPhone 6s

    Votes: 7 43.8%

  • Total voters


macrumors G5
Original poster
Jun 27, 2007
Has anyone recently received an iPhone SE in the U.S. who can tell me the current shipping times? And would an iPhone SE or 6s be best for older people?

I'm thinking about buying an iPhone SE for my grandparents. But I just wonder if the display is too small compared to using the 6s in zoom mode? If any older users with poor eyesight could weigh in, I'd appreciate it! I'd like to surprise them on June 30th which is the next time they're coming to visit (my wife is VERY pregnant so they're driving the hour and a half here). I could buy them a 6s if I need to, but don't want to buy them more than they need. They were talking about getting a 5s, but I think it would be better if they started out with 2GB of RAM because they'll probably keep this phone for 5 years, lol. I think the Plus would be too big for them to easily hold. But I wonder if the zoom mode helps much with poor eyesight?

I'm thinking about adding them to my Verzion plan so I can deal with it for them. Verizon just gave me 12GB of bonus data the other day when I upgraded to 12GB (only $16/mo more, not a bad deal!), so I've got plenty to share at 24GB now. They are getting to the age where they get kinda confused about things (they had some big problems a while back trying to deal with Verizon, and ended up getting charged a bunch of fees because they did something weird). They've helped me out a lot in life so I figure this could be a way to do what I can to help pay them back. Plus it's a lot cheaper for them if I just add them to my plan ($20/mo with more data vs. $50/mo for 1GB). They have an iPad 4 and really like using it, so they're familiar with iOS. And they've been talking a lot about wanting to get an iPhone. They're in their mid-70s and my grandpa was a mechanical engineer running a lab for decades so he's pretty smart and my grandma is really good with the iPad. My grandpa has an old MacBook Pro that he uses frequently to scan and rip old photos and movies which he edits in iMovie. But like I said, they're starting to get a little confused about managing phone plans and what to buy and how to set it up and will also be moving into assisted living housing in the next year.

I'm pretty set on getting the 64GB version of whichever phone because my grandma is always filling up her 16GB iPad. She likes to use it to take photos lol.

The 6s. Your Grandparents seem pretty advanced. The extra features and larger screen would all be a plus.
6s Plus, based on your description. I'm not too old yet, but I wear bifocals, and yes the zoom view is very helpful. I came to it from a 5s, and I couldn't go back to that small screen again.
Have either of them ever used a smartphone before? I think most would be inclined to recommend the 6s due to screen size, but two years ago we didn't have the larger screen options (with iOS) and grandparents all presumably got along fine.

My mom, turning 70 this year, had a 4s up until the 6s came out (battery was old and decided I'd rather sell it and upgrade her than pay for battery replacement) and she hasn't once mentioned that the bigger screen was nicer, and she went to a MUCH bigger screen from that upgrade. Her only comments ever were about the nicer photos she can take.
Another vote for the 6s. While they can adjust the text size on either phone, I think the bigger screen real estate will help the both of them (coupled with the "zoom" feature on the 6s too).
Another vote for the 6s or 6s+.

My wife is legally blind, and the zoom feature on the 6s+ we have really makes things easier for her to read, let alone see, and that was a HUGE upgrade from the 4s that she used to have. The others said it best: zoom feature, Night shift for helping them at night, and more room on the screen due to the size. Yes, it may be bigger for them to physically hold, but for their vision, they'll need it.

I would agree that the zoom feature is the next* best thing to what is truly missing on the iphone - a larger simpler screen option. Honestly, I find this a huge oversight (pardon the words) of Apple.

There are multiple phones out there that are designed for senior citizens and those with very poor eyesight. What they all have in common - larger everything. It wouldn't be that difficult for Apple to have another menu set up which might have less icons on the main screen with text underneath being larger - say a 3x4 matrix of icons. Similar can be said for other sub-menu options. People resort to zoom because there is no offering. Zoom is nice but not the same.

To be fair, I know non-seniors that find it annoying that they must put on glasses to read their iPhone because of the small text. When they try to make overall text larger, some items get squashed together or overlap. I like the basic layout of the iPhone and find ZERO reason why what I am stating could not be put in place. With all the excellent options that could be put in place on an iPhone (medical etc.) for seniors, what a shame they don't get the basics down or ignore this market.
Do not be mean to them and get the 6S or 6S+

With your help they will love it!

I hate to say it but I have all 3 of these and I'd take the SE over the 6s everyday. Maybe not the plus because of the HD screen and the screen size...

The differences between the SE and 6s are not that much. 3D Touch is not a huge deal and a 5 mp selfie cam isn't so much either... When it comes to design then I know the SE wins in that category over the 6s and 6s Plus
I hate to say it but I have all 3 of these and I'd take the SE over the 6s everyday. Maybe not the plus because of the HD screen and the screen size...

The differences between the SE and 6s are not that much. 3D Touch is not a huge deal and a 5 mp selfie cam isn't so much either... When it comes to design then I know the SE wins in that category over the 6s and 6s Plus

I do not consider myself old yet but the SE screen/keyboard is painfully small and I would not wish it on anyone, not even the young.
I hate to say it but I have all 3 of these and I'd take the SE over the 6s everyday. Maybe not the plus because of the HD screen and the screen size...

The differences between the SE and 6s are not that much. 3D Touch is not a huge deal and a 5 mp selfie cam isn't so much either... When it comes to design then I know the SE wins in that category over the 6s and 6s Plus

And you are how old?
And you are how old?

34 years old. Lol!! All I'm saying is I prefer the SE over the 6s. Obviously a lot of people do.

You say the SE is small and you wish it on no one, but less than 2 years ago all of us was using phones this size from Apple.

The only things that's changed in the 2 years is they've made the 4" form MUCH MUCH BETTER. It outperforms the 6s in geekbench and other stuff. It also has much better battery life as well.

I use the SE has my phone that I take to work through the week because of its size. On the weekends I was switching to the 6s Plus. The past two weekends I haven't even done that. For the past month my 6s hasn't even been used at all.
I think most of us recommended the 6s as because of its screen size - most probably - it is easier to read for older people.

And I agree with that on the 6s Plus, but I don't on the 6s. The difference in content being seen on the 6s and iPhone SE is not major. The difference between the plus and SE is...
34 years old. Lol!! All I'm saying is I prefer the SE over the 6s. Obviously a lot of people do.

You say the SE is small and you wish it on no one, but less than 2 years ago all of us was using phones this size from Apple.

The only things that's changed in the 2 years is they've made the 4" form MUCH MUCH BETTER. It outperforms the 6s in geekbench and other stuff. It also has much better battery life as well.

I use the SE has my phone that I take to work through the week because of its size. On the weekends I was switching to the 6s Plus. The past two weekends I haven't even done that. For the past month my 6s hasn't even been used at all.

And I agree with that on the 6s Plus, but I don't on the 6s. The difference in content being seen on the 6s and iPhone SE is not major. The difference between the plus and SE is...

What is great is Apple gave us all a choice now. Pick what you want and is best for you. I am not saying the the SE is not a nice phone but I have to handle a lot of email and texts in my business day and there is no way I could do that on a 4" screen/keyboard.
I'm 67 and started with an iPhone 3g in 2008, then a 4, 5s and now a 128gb 6s Plus. The 6s Plus is by far my favorite, I really like the big screen, the camera and the power. Not just the size of the text, but it's easier to type and select things on the big screen too.

I'm not sure if the size of the text on the screen should be the main factor in your decision. Some people don't like to carry big phones. At a recent family event we put our phones together on the table - My 6s Plus, my son in law's 6, daughter's 5s and ex's 4s. There is quite a difference! But each of us is happy with what we have. :)

It's great that you're doing this for your grandparents… I always seem to be the one on the buying end in my family, LOL. But you might want to get their input before making the purchase, it's a pretty personal thing. And if they don't really like what you choose then it's awkward because they will feel like they have to use it anyway.
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I agree with Boyd. I'm 66 and love my 6+, but I carry it in my handbag, so the ability to see and type easily is more important to me over size/weight. My roomie, just a few years younger has an SE, and even though he has to grab his glasses to see it sometimes, he prefers the smaller size, clipped on a belt or in a shirt pocket. He is also a big guy, hitting keys with big fingers was difficult at first, but he got used to it, and texts like he's been doing it for years.

Maybe buy both phones, give them the choice, and return one.
I agree with Boyd. I'm 66 and love my 6+, but I carry it in my handbag, so the ability to see and type easily is more important to me over size/weight. My roomie, just a few years younger has an SE, and even though he has to grab his glasses to see it sometimes, he prefers the smaller size, clipped on a belt or in a shirt pocket. He is also a big guy, hitting keys with big fingers was difficult at first, but he got used to it, and texts like he's been doing it for years.

Maybe buy both phones, give them the choice, and return one.

It is possible to have an interface on the smaller phone that is more "ready-friendly" for people with eyesight challenges and as well, typing needs. Apple simply prefers to maintain their form over function motif throughout the line. I admit freely I don't agree with their philosophy. As the new IOS is coming, there is mention of some apps that previously could not be removed from the iPhone and now, finally, they can. It took all this time for Apple to admit that some people don't want certain apps and should be able to remove them entirely (or not install). This type of years waiting is what is going on with the interface in general. I'll step off my soap box for the moment.
Well, unfortunately I am a bit older than you. Having both devices I am quite aware what is the difference from an "older eye prospective".

Lol, I completely understand. Besides screen size however the differences in the 6s and SE is pretty much minuscule.
What is great is Apple gave us all a choice now. Pick what you want and is best for you. I am not saying the the SE is not a nice phone but I have to handle a lot of email and texts in my business day and there is no way I could do that on a 4" screen/keyboard.

This is very very true. Nicely said
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