I jailbroke my iPad for one reason. So that I can run iTether and get an internet connection from my iPhone. It's an excellent thing!
But now, I am conflicted. I have to make a choice...
...Upgrade now to 4.2 with all the sexiness - and lose my beloved tethering?
Or wait until the evil jail-breaking code monkeys break the back of 4.2?
I am so conflicted!
BTW. Does anyone know why Apple elected to not support the Bluetooth PAN on the iPad? They do on all their Macs.
But now, I am conflicted. I have to make a choice...
...Upgrade now to 4.2 with all the sexiness - and lose my beloved tethering?
Or wait until the evil jail-breaking code monkeys break the back of 4.2?
I am so conflicted!
BTW. Does anyone know why Apple elected to not support the Bluetooth PAN on the iPad? They do on all their Macs.