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macrumors member
Original poster
May 3, 2019
So I use Microsoft Word a lot, I need it in my line of work, and I am for the most part happy with the stability and performance on Mac. But I do think it is a resource hog and I wish it were programmed leaner.

Two pet peeves:
- just hitting Command & D in order to bring up the menu for selecting font type and font size etc. etc.,this happens on a 2015 MacBook Air (i5, base model with 8 gigs of RAM): one-mississippi, two... then spinning beach ball for about two seconds, then the menu comes up. If I repeat the action a short time later, it will be a bit faster, but I still get the spinning beach ball.
Same thing on a 2018 MacMini (i5, 16 gigs of RAM): first time after opening Word, I get a brief spinning beach ball and a short wait. After that, no spinning beach ball but still a noticeable delay.

- just scrolling text in Word (with touchpad, not via the slider to the right) taxes the Macbook Air when it is hooked up to a 4k monitor. The same Macbook Air can scroll heavy webpages all day long without breaking a sweat, but scrolling a word document (and it doesn't even have to be large, this happens with 10, 12 pages, too) will fire up the fan.

My point/question: Ideally I wish Microsoft would get its act together and make their code leaner. On a 2018 machine with six cores and 16 gigs of RAM a simple thing like opening a menu in Word should be friggin instantaneous. John Gruber over at Daring Fireball had a piece recently, can't find it right now, where he talks about the same thing, with Photoshop (?) as an example.

Does anybody here have a setup where for example Command & D happens in a blink?
MS Office is slow on all of my macOS devices. Even on my 2017 Core i7 MBA, it takes 3+ seconds for the font menu to appear.

This is as good as Office will be on a Mac. Microsoft has been working to have a common code base for Windows and Mac (priority on Windows) and as a result has included a compatibility layer for the mac version. That is why each app within Office is 2GB+ on the mac.
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I'm glad I'm not the only one annoyed with the font menu delay. I thought it might have something to do with my installation and yet . . . on an iMac Pro?

Ugh. I'll have to live with it, then.
Might as well make Bootcamp partition and run MS Office on Windows.
That's not so far from the truth. I took Office 2007 for Windows and installed each component in its own WINE "bottle". That allowed me to run the Windows versions of Word, Excel, and PowerPoint within macOS alongside native Mac apps. The file sizes were significantly smaller than Office 2016 for Mac and start-up was much quicker.

It worked very well but there were a few minor wrinkles that I needed to work out. I ran out of time to tinker further, so they just sit. Performance was overall better than Office 2016 for Mac.
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