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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Nov 7, 2010
San Antonio,Texas
Pictures will follow later on in the morning. But trolling the threads got me thinking.
Fellow users to the site; what mac do you use the most? Before my wife was deployed to Afghanistan in November it was my dual G5/1.8 and Dual G4/533 in my home office, but with single parenthood comes a change in one's computing environment, so my production mac has become my humble 12' G3/800 iBook running 10.4.11.
With other speedy macs in the house, it is not the best choice that is for sure, but I am still amazed at all I can do with this trusty little white brick.

So I digress, show us your trusty go to mac, what is the machine that gets things done for you? is it an 8600/300? ( Had one for years, regret giving that beast up.) A 6500/250? ( Again, a mod experiment went wrong made parting with ways with that one all too soon.) Or even older? Who still uses 68k macs in everyday use? Post some pics? I think this could be an interesting thread. Not all mac users are made of money, we use what we can get for the simple fact that it works, gets the job done, and looks damn sexy while doing so..


iBook 12' G3/800/768/cd/10.4.11 ( Go to mac atm )

In the office:

G5/Dual 1.8/1.5/super/10.5.6
G4/Dual 533/1.5/super/10.4.11
Compaq dual 2.4/4/super/MintFlux 9
ThinkPad T43/1.6m/1/super/Crunchbang 10

When you are Sierra-Oscar-Lima. I am, as always Hotel-Tango-Hotel
The one that is most used in my house is the only one that's in my house.
Right now I dont have any Macintosh computers.
But I used my old Mac mini until it's dead. I had only thisone.
We use the iPad most of all computers.
Because you all know what an iPad looks like: No pics!
I use my PowerMac G5 the most of my Macs. It is slower than my MacBook, but I tend to use it more, not sure why.
Our family's iMac 20 inch mid-2007 model. We love it. :D

The one that's mine personally that I use the most? My Indigo iMac G3.
In my house:
13" MBP - mine
13" MBP - my brother's
PowerMac G5 - mine
PowerMac G4 - my brother's
iMac G3 - mine
iMac G3 - mine
iMac G3 - my brother's
iMac 20" 2.66GHz Aluminum - my dad's
MacBook 13" 2.4 2010 - my mom's
MacBook 13" 2.2 2007 - mine
MacBook 13" 2.16 2007 - mine

What do I use most? My 13" MBP.
What does my brother use most? His 13" MBP
What does my dad use most? His 20" iMac
What does my mom use most? Her 2010 MacBook
If I were to answer when I first moved in? My Macbookpro. Half way through the time I've been here? My 4.4ghz i3 hackintosh. Right now? 1.66 Core Duo Mac mini that I've been using as a download donkey and dyndns updater and HTPC, it's hooked to a small 720P screen in my room running plex, which gives me the option of streaming from the plex media server running in the background for the home theater set up else where in the house.

My first and only Mac. My 2011 i5 MBPro. Love this little thing. So much smaller and lighter than my old Dell yet lightyears ahead in every thinkable way.
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