Similar boat - ready to make the switch to Mac from being a long-time Windows guy, though I have worked with my wife's iMac frequently. Tired of being a constant hardware tinkerer, but do want to retain the ability to drop in extra internal drives, which has pushed me to the Mac Pro. I do daily Photoshop/Illustrator/Lightroom work, and light (non-professional) video editing a few times a month for my church on top of some small-time coding/development work. I do plan to grab Xcode and learn iOS development, though.
Bottom line, I've been waiting for a few months watching the Mac Pro refresh forums with frustration regarding the release schedule of Sandy Bridge and I'm getting impatient. I'm not missing out on any work b/c I don't have the machine, so it isn't production-critical, but I'm anxious to jump in and learn me some Mac! I'll be in the market for the entry-level Mac Pro, which I'll top off with some OWC memory and drives from my Win7 box. Should I hold out for the NEXT entry-level Mac Pro (whenever that is!) or just be happy with a quad-core Nehalem now and move on? I see the buyer's remorse coming with the new MPs are finally announced, but I could do a lot of playing/learning in that timeframe too!
Anyone else in the same boat? Advice?