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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Mar 17, 2016
Hey guys, could really use some advice on this!

Travelling to Australia and can get a pretty decent deal on a macbook pro while i'm there. Problem is if I buy in Australia i'll have to get a 'premade' one and won't be able to customize it. I can get the 2.7Ghz, 512GB, Radeon 455 for $2600USD in Australia.

While I can get the custom 2.6Ghz. 512gb, Radeon 460 for $3040USD back home.

This machine will be used for Final cut video editing + Dev work. The main thing i'm concerned about is how it would handle 4k video editing, and how smooth that editing experience will be. Not fussed on render times, just as long as everything is silky smooth during the edit itself.

What do you guys think I should do?


Bending Pixels

macrumors 65816
Jul 22, 2010
I have an older 2013 rMBP and FCPX runs just fine on it. I've played with 4K from my iPhone and haven't run into any issues while doing cuts/edits/etc.

Ergo - the "prebuilt" MBP you're looking at will work just fine.


Dec 30, 2015
Orlando, FL
I think any of the new ones with a dedicated video card will be just fine but the Radeon 455 and 460 seem to be performing MUCH better than the 450 when comparing to the previous generation 970 card. I have the 2015 with the 970 and it does GREAT with Final Cut. No issues to report.
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Aug 26, 2014
2014 MBP, Max Spec? They're hard to find. And who knows how a laptop has been treated. Too bad there aren't "G-force abuse" sensors -like the water damage sensors in iPhones.

Also, remember that you can "cluster" to other macs via Thunderbolt.

Best of luck!
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