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macrumors member
Original poster
May 22, 2008
my girlfriend has been given a imac g3
specs on the bottom are

which version of osx do you recommend
upgrade then

this is odd, ive found this g3 ram upgrade £34.06 inc. VAT and would need two to max it

when i can get from the same company 4gig for my macbook for 45 quid, not bad.
decisions decisions :D
my girlfriend has been given a imac g3
specs on the bottom are

which version of osx do you recommend

me too.!


it has tiger (10.4) and runns it flawlessly, just got it on ebay for 60 bucks.

you have a much faster processor but I have more RAM, i AM a first time Mac-er but i think you should be fine with tiger on that but no doubt panther will run faster.. just like xp would run faster than any vista machine (generally), ,but vista still runs fine on most.

well im assuming it needs a new os when i turn it on it jus comes up with a picture of a folder with a question mark flashing on it, or has anyone else had this
Yeah, a flashing question mark means it can't see an OS. Either the hard drive is wiped clean, has a corrupted OS, or the drive has died. You can boot off of a install cd by holding down the 'c' key while it is starting up.

Take note: the the older imac's need to have the latest firmware to run the later versions of OSX.

The ram is more exspensive because it is an older style (PC-133) that really isn't made much any more. Getting it new tends to be pricey. You would save more by hunting down used sticks for sale or pulling some from old systems.
I just picked up a 400Mhz iMac G3 for $20 the other day. I'm going to put a 60GB HD in and upgrade the RAM to at least 512MB. It's got OS 9 but I'm going to put Tiger on it. Does anyone know if I can put PC133 in? I haven't found a definitive answer yet.
Why even bother with PPC.... sell the thing before 10.6 comes up and drops support for PPC drastically reducing the resell value!

I always believed Sculley was an idiot. Whats more.... he himself admitted of being one!

i used crucial to check what i needed and ordered it off ebay £10, 1 gig on its way, so will need to update the firmware? if so can i use a live cd boot off that, boot off that, connect to the tinterweb update firmware then instal the proper osx

so once again with 1gig, is tiger my best bet now?
cheers for the help
I have a 600MHz iMac just like that with 768Mb of RAM and it runs Tiger just fine. I used it as my main Mac for 2 weeks while my MBP was in the shop and my brother uses it daily now. If you have a G3 thats 450MHz or faster, I wouldn't hesitate to run Tiger with the right amount of RAM. Any slower than 450 and I would have to say Panther is the best OS choice. If you can run 10.4 I would say its worth it just for Safari 2.0 and for the more recent updates it still receives.
To update the firmware you need to be running at least OS 9.1, but not OS X. I think the firmware version is at 4.1.9. You can check it by holding down command-option-o-f on startup.

I updated the firmware last night and I'm putting Tiger on it today. 400Mhz w/512MB RAM. I think it might be a bit slow, but I'm doing it anyway, just as a test. I'll let you know how it goes.
Update: Even with only 512MB RAM and running Tiger, a 400Mhz iMac G3 is still a respectable internet-browsing, email-checking, DVD-watching little computer.

Posted from above-mentioned machine. Strawberry-flavored, oh yeah!
I know a friend who has a 10yo Windows 98 machine. I've got a 60GB hard drive that I can slap in there. With that and Tiger, this should be quite an upgrade for them.

I'd never played around with one of these until a couple days ago, and think it's a great machine to tinker on. mac2sell quoted my configuration at $60. Does that seem like a fair price to you?
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