Hello all, I hope that this is not some rediculous question that has been posted here or eldewhere many times before. I did a forum search but did not find any answeres. I am completely new to mac (I used to use an apple IIe to play lemonade stand) but am a new convert. I am going to buy a new Mac Book Pro 1.83 (as soon as an apple store near me calls me) and want to upgrade the RAM. I will be using the book to run Office until they make a Universal, and for srufing, light photo work, and games. I was wondering if I should buy a 1gb stick or a 512gb stick. The reason I ask is that I have heard that having 2 sticks of the same general type (512 x 2 ) may be more benificial than have unpaired sticks. Any suggestions or cxomments. I really appreciate any advice. Cant wait to get my new Mac Book (seriously my girlfriend thinks Im obsessed, I call every Apple Store in Chicago Every Day).