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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Dec 11, 2016
I have a thirteen inch Macbook Pro - mid 2014. I want to use it for drawing (love to draw people, nature, animals and sometimes abstract), graphic design and editing photos. I do want to have accuracy. I've read that small would be good because it all depends on the screen size in comparison to the actual tablet, but I've also read that you can get more accuracy with a slightly larger tablet. I don't mind moving my hand a bit for accuracy. I've called best buy and all they say I cannot test the tablet, but I can buy it and return it if its not to my liking. I'd really like to test it out however to choose. I've used small tablets before and recall having to do some zooming in for nice detail on the 13 inch. I no longer have one and would like to find the best fit. I guess I could be leaning toward either whatever is truly the best fit for me. I want to create beautiful works of art and to eventually do it professionally. Let me know what you think is the best solution in this case. Thank you so much!​


macrumors newbie
Dec 9, 2015
It's absolutely down to your drawing technique. I went for a larger size years ago and the extra space is a waste for me. I should have paid attention to the fact that I never draw or paint with wide, open strokes. Even with the extra space on my Intuous I zoom out to draw larger strokes rather than use the entire range of my tablet. The downside of this is that my Intuous takes up more desk space than it should have, now that I've the wisdom of hindsight.

However, there are those who draw with open, wide strokes and they'll no doubt find smaller tablets too constrictive. Personally I don't find digital illustration advanced enough yet to not find drawing and painting massive strokes awkward relative to a real pen and pencil. The lag and occasional jitter keeps me from it (because, being honest, if you're making anything serious you're going to be using large resolutions).

I've found that there are some advocates of larger tablet sizes who aren't really illustrators or painters. They get good use out of tablets but they're coming from a different usage style and their milage will vary.

So, to emphasise, I'll point you back to my opening sentence. I'll also point out that the accuracy of all sizes of the pro models of Intuous is the same on the current release. As in, the amount of little sensors per square inch isn't any better on the larger models. There's just more square inches for you to use if you're using a bigger stroke.


macrumors 68000
Oct 17, 2016
As mentioned it's a very personal choice. you'd be best to try out a few. Smaller tablets tend to work great as a mobile thing, if you want to draw on your lap (You can always zoom in so size isn't too big of an issue). Larger tablets work great on a desk. So depends how you use it.

If it's your first tablet go for something down the middle like the medium. You might then be able to better guide your next one.


macrumors 68040
Apr 17, 2012
Destin, FL
I have a thirteen inch Macbook Pro - mid 2014. I want to use it for drawing (love to draw people, nature, animals and sometimes abstract), graphic design and editing photos. I do want to have accuracy. I've read that small would be good because it all depends on the screen size in comparison to the actual tablet, but I've also read that you can get more accuracy with a slightly larger tablet. I don't mind moving my hand a bit for accuracy. I've called best buy and all they say I cannot test the tablet, but I can buy it and return it if its not to my liking. I'd really like to test it out however to choose. I've used small tablets before and recall having to do some zooming in for nice detail on the 13 inch. I no longer have one and would like to find the best fit. I guess I could be leaning toward either whatever is truly the best fit for me. I want to create beautiful works of art and to eventually do it professionally. Let me know what you think is the best solution in this case. Thank you so much!​
I have a Intuos Pro Medium Wireless, that sits in the box, used only a couple of times. I've had Intuos drawing tablets for the last 10 years or so and now only use my iPad Pro. Too many plusses to name. One is that I can quick sketch an idea out while riding in the car or boat. Do not have to break out the laptop and graphics tablet, by that time the idea is gone.
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macrumors newbie
Dec 9, 2015
As mentioned it's a very personal choice. you'd be best to try out a few. Smaller tablets tend to work great as a mobile thing, if you want to draw on your lap (You can always zoom in so size isn't too big of an issue). Larger tablets work great on a desk. So depends how you use it.

If it's your first tablet go for something down the middle like the medium. You might then be able to better guide your next one.

Respectfully, I would suggest that my point was more of evaluating the artist's use of space in their existing techniques, rather than the broader idea of it being a personal choice - which that falls under. I work on a large desk and still regret having a tablet as large as I purchased because of the needless use of space it takes up when my technique doesn't use most of the tablet's coverage. For an artist who regularly draws large, sweeping gestures, they will likely find a larger tablet of great benefit.


macrumors 601
Jun 25, 2007
St. Paul, Minnesota
I have the medium and love it, one thing I like about it though is it's almost exactly the same footprint as the 15" MacBook Pro, so it takes up hardly any extra space when I lug it around.

I would say the Medium is great if you aren't going to move it around much, if you are going to be mobile then get the small, especially with a 13" MacBook.


macrumors 601
Oct 25, 2008
Having used both a Cintiq and traditional tablet (all the way back to DOS/Win 3.x), I found that for drawing, a medium to large Cintiq served me better than a draw on tablet see on screen combo. However, the opposite was true when it came to photographer. Given my past experience, if I was using a device for drawing (again), I would opt for a Cintiq or iPad type device and it would be medium or large in size.

Btw, while some don't see the benefit a few of us do, we often draw/illustrate in more traditional medium, scan and then use the computer to continue. It works well with fast sketches as a first layer and excellent for storyboarding.


macrumors 68040
Mar 21, 2014
Medium Pro is what I use. I'm waiting to see the new tablets that hitting the streets in a couple of months, and my Intuos Pro will be on sale shortly thereafter...


macrumors 6502
Aug 22, 2018
I have intros pro medium, but over the past year it has acted wonky on windows 10. When i get a Mac soon, i don't know if i will use it. I love the iPad pro with pencil so much more.
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